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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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House building cranes

LGA survey: councils to use borrowing powers to accelerate homebuilding programmes

“Our survey shows that councils up and down the country want to build more good quality, affordable homes that meet the strategic housing needs of their local communities."

View allHousing and planning articles

LGA responds to Spring Statement 2019

“With councils still facing a funding gap of more than £3 billion in 2019/20, it is disappointing that the Chancellor has missed the opportunity to use today’s Spring Statement to provide further desperately-needed funding for our under-pressure local services this year.

Solitary bus going down a country road

LGA responds to latest bus travel statistics

“Ahead of the forthcoming Spending Review, we are urging government to give councils control over the Bus Service Operators’ Grant, and properly fund national free bus pass schemes, which could help us maintain our essential bus services, reduce congestion and protect vital routes.”

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IWD toolkit

LGA launches Twenty-first Century Toolkit to support women, parents and carers

The LGA has produced a toolkit aimed at helping those who have other responsibilities, such as looking after children, caring for an older relative or who want to start a family, to be councillors and represent their communities.

Two girls walking through a wood

LGA responds to violence against women and girls strategy

Cllr Simon Blackburn, Chair of the Safer and Stronger Communities Board at the LGA, which runs the National FGM Centre in partnership with Barnardo’s, responds to the updated strategy to end violence against women and girls, published by government today.

View allCommunity safety articles
Apprentices photo - 2 men on a building site

LGA responds to NAO report on apprenticeships

“With a 26 per cent fall in apprenticeship starts between 2015/16 and 2017/18 and many employers still struggling to spend their funds nearly two years after the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy, further reform to enable greater local flexibility is desperately needed."

View allEmployment and skills articles
Three girls at nursery

LGA responds to maintained nurseries funding announcement

“The LGA has been clear all along around the need for additional funding to secure the future of maintained nursery schools and we are pleased the Government has acted on our concerns."

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LGA responds to Health and Social Care Committee report on first 1000 days of life

“Despite facing an overall funding gap of £8 billion by 2025, councils still spent more on those aged 0-5 than in any other area of public health, often exceeding the amount given to them by government."

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LGA responds to HCLG committee report on high streets and business rates

Cllr Richard Watts, Chair of the LGA’s Resources Board responds to the report by the Housing, Communities and Local Government Select Committee on the future of high streets.


LGA responds to park funding announcement

"Our public parks and green spaces are some of our most cherished local services, and this injection of money will boost councils’ efforts to keep these open and in good condition, despite facing significant funding pressures."