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Children's social care funding

Children’s services improving despite systemic challenges – new LGA report

Children’s services are continuing to deliver improvements and sustain strong performance, despite significant national challenges, a new report commissioned by the Local Government Association reveals today.

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Secondary school class

LGA responds to Education Committee report on school absence

“Good attendance at school plays a vital role in children’s development, however councils lack the powers to ensure children who are missing school don’t slip through the net, such as directing academies to accept pupils."

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‘Vital government funds children’s services in Autumn Statement’ – LGA on children’s charities warning

“The number of children in need of support from councils is now at its highest level since before the pandemic."

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Children and a female adult sitting in a circle inside a library. The adult is reading to the children.

Additional funding needed for children’s social care – LGA on Family’s First for Children programme

We remain concerned that additional funding for children’s social care reform is significantly lower than that recommended by the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care.

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Young children playing together in nursery

Nine in 10 councils concerned about nursery capacity ahead of 30 hours free childcare extension – new LGA research

Nearly nine in 10 councils fear that nursery closures this year will undermine capacity ahead of the rollout of the Government’s extension of the 30 hours free childcare scheme, new research by the Local Government Association reveals today. 

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Major child safeguarding concerns in out-of-school settings prompt renewed calls from councils for tougher powers

Tougher powers are needed for councils to oversee and regulate out-of-school settings (OOSS) – including being able to shut down illegal schools – after an independent report commissioned by the Government uncovered major safeguarding concerns. The Department for Education funded a pilot in 16 council areas over an 18-month period into the oversight of OOSS, examining safeguarding risks and existing legal powers available to councils. OOSS is a wide range of provision including uniformed organisations, sports and leisure clubs, supplementary schools, faith-based organisations and arts clubs

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LGA responds to new careers advice programme for children

Everybody should have the chance to work or retrain, to help increase their aspirations and skills to realise their potential. The labour market has changed significantly in recent years and continues to adapt, so people need joined up local support.

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Young children playing together in nursery

LGA responds to Ofsted Annual Report 2021/22

It is positive that this report recognises significant improvements from councils in providing children’s services, despite the many challenges they face in the education, said Cllr Louise Gittins, Chair of the Local Government Association’s Children and Young People Board.

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Mother comforting her upset young daughter

Social workers seeing record numbers of children with mental health problems

A record number of children with mental health problems were seen by social workers last year, an increase of more than a half in five years, latest figures show.

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Three young people looking directly at camera

LGA responds to final report from Anne Longfield's Commission on Young Lives

“The harrowing exploitation of children and young people is a significant, increasing concern for councils who work hard to identify and protect those at risk of abuse.

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