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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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Report: Councils empowering and engaging tenants

A new report published by the Local Government Association and Tpas sets out how councils are empowering and engaging their tenants. 

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Young boy looking out of a window

Response to the MHCLG rapid rehousing pathway

Every instance of homelessness is an individual tragedy and councils are determined to prevent homelessness from happening in the first place and support families affected.

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House building cranes

LGA survey: councils to use borrowing powers to accelerate homebuilding programmes

“Our survey shows that councils up and down the country want to build more good quality, affordable homes that meet the strategic housing needs of their local communities."

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Construction - interior

LGA responds to National Audit Office land availability report

“Through programmes like One Public Estate, councils have shown that they are best-placed to lead efforts to make better use of public assets, such as releasing unused or surplus land for housing, and are committed to bringing forward sites to ensure that enough homes and the necessary infrastructure are built to meet local needs."

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LGA responds to Resolution Foundation mobility report

Local Government Association housing spokesman Cllr Martin Tett, responds to the Resolution Foundation’s mobility report which says that high rents are reducing the benefits of mobility among young people.


LGA responds to consultation on building safety reforms

“The proposals announced today do reflect many of the calls we have made, but there is still work to do to drive these reforms forward and this must happen as soon as possible"

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LGA responds to PAC report on planning and housing market

LGA Housing spokesman, Cllr Martin Tett, responds to a report by the Public Accounts Committee warning that the Government’s housebuilding target is in “jeopardy”.

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LGA responds to HCLG Committee report on modern methods of construction

Local Government Association’s Housing spokesman, Cllr Martin Tett, responds to a report by the Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee on modern methods of construction, which says councils need to build more homes.

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LGA responds to housing, health and safety rating system review

The Government has listened to the concerns of councils and is to overhaul the Housing, Health and Safety Rating System. This will help improve councils’ ability to uphold standards in the private rented sector.

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Photo of elderly lady looking out the window

LGA responds to Homes for Later Living report

The Local Government Association’s Housing spokesman, Cllr David Renard, responds to a report by Homes for Later Living, which claims poor housing is set to contribute to almost one million more older people suffering falls-related injuries.

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