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house in the distance

Developers yet to seek planning permission for more than a million earmarked homes – LGA research

The LGA’s new analysis, compiled following a survey of council heads of planning, estimates that more than a third (1,003,600) of the 2,676,200 homes allocated in current local plans in England have not even been submitted into the planning system.


LGA responds to government announcement of coronavirus testing in schools

“Councils want to work with schools and local health teams to do all they can to ensure staff, pupils, parents and visitors can be in school settings, safely and securely, without risk of passing on coronavirus.”

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Crowd of people from above

LGA responds to first week of COVID-19 vaccination figures

"Local knowledge and expertise will be crucial in encouraging everyone from all parts of the community to get vaccinated. Councils’ unique relationship with the people they represent mean they are well placed to reach out to those in the priority groups and beyond."

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School children

LGA responds to plans to stagger reopening of secondary schools in January

“It is vital that the expertise of local public health teams is used to help with the logistics and rollout of the plan, while government needs to urgently publish guidance that supports this announcement to provide clarity for schools, address questions which currently remain unanswered, and takes account of local needs and capacity challenges.”

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Secondary school class

LGA responds to EPI report on COVID-19 costs for schools

“The Government needs to go further to help schools pay for the cost of the pandemic. Unless the COVID-19 workforce fund is extended after Christmas, backdated and eligibility for it widened, more schools will have no option but to close after having spent their budgets on supply teachers, which will only serve to exacerbate growing attainment gaps.”

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A close up of a light grey coronavirus with red spikes against a dark grey background

COVID-19: LGA responds to national lockdown announcement

"Councils will continue to step up to support residents, especially those who are more vulnerable, businesses and education settings."

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Hands holding a mobile phone indoors

LGA responds to latest test and trace figures

"Councils know their communities best, with nearly 9 in 10 setting up contact tracing teams across the country to work with the national system and successfully find many hard-to-reach cases, while also helping to ensure as many people as possible can get vaccinated."

covid tester in a mask holding a vial

LGA: Councils respond to COVID-19 community testing expansion

“Local knowledge and expertise has proved vital in combating COVID-19 and councils want to work with the Government to develop testing strategies which contain and reduce the virus in every area of the country, and for every section of our diverse communities."

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Coronavirus - doctor taking notes and one holding a laptop

LGA responds to vaccine delivery plan and first daily uptake figures

“Vaccinating as many people as possible is the only certain way we can get through this pandemic and it is inspiring to see so many volunteers offer their help alongside frontline staff up and down the country."

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LGA statement: School attendance during lockdown

“It is clear that demand for places is significantly higher during this national lockdown, meaning schools have been placed in the invidious position of balancing safe pupil numbers in school with the higher expectations of the delivery of up to five hours a day of lessons online.”

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