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LGA responds to ADASS budget survey on adult social care

“This important annual report is further compelling evidence of the irrefutable crisis in adult social care funding which cannot be ignored and rightly highlights the efforts of councils in continuing to do all they can to help people live the lives they want to lead."

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Responding to the 2019 budget survey by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS), Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said:

“This important annual report is further compelling evidence of the irrefutable crisis in adult social care funding which cannot be ignored and rightly highlights the efforts of councils in continuing to do all they can to help people live the lives they want to lead.

“Councils face a £3.6 billion funding gap in adult social care by 2025 and have lost 60p out of every £1 in central government funding since 2010.

“More than a third of councils’ overall budgets are spent on adult social care, which shows that they are striving to protect this vital service. But despite these efforts, the combination of historic funding reductions, rising demand and increasing cost pressures mean many councils continue to have to make significant savings and reductions within adult social care services to balance their overall budgets.

“Government needs to use the upcoming Spending Review to address the immediate pressures impacting on the system today, as well as secure a long-term, sustainable funding settlement for adult social care including helping to prevent people needing care in the future.”

Notes to editors

Councils in England face an overall funding gap of £8 billion by 2025. The LGA’s #CouncilsCan campaign aims to influence the forthcoming Spending Review and highlight the growing risk to vital local services if the Government does not take action to secure the financial sustainability of councils. Visit our campaign page for more information.

ADASS annual budget survey 2019


#CouncilsCan: Spending Review 2019


With the right funding and powers, councils can continue to lead local areas, improve residents’ lives, reduce demand for public services and save money for the taxpayer. Securing the financial sustainability of local services must be the top priority for the Spending Review.

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