Resetting the relationship between local and national government. Read our Local Government White Paper

Useful links

This page lists useful links from the LGA’s Environment and Waste programme.

Severe weather

LGA resources to help councils prepare for, and respond to severe weather

Wrap – Local authority Waste and Recycling information portal

Access to data on local authority recycling and waste schemes in the UK as well as performance benchmarks for kerbside dry recycling and residual collections.

Procurement of waste contracts

Analysis by the Competitions and Market Authority of local authority spending on waste collection

Productivity savings from waste and recycling services

Evaluation of the LGA’s Waste and Recycling Programme. Support for several projects involving councils across England to run projects to help make productivity savings in delivering waste services.

Committee on fuel poverty

Independent advice to government and other organisations on tackling fuel poverty

Association of Local Energy Officers

Professional network for local government officers with an interest in carbon reduction and tackling fuel poverty

WRAP resource library

Search for logos, icons, images, templates and guidance.

Recycle now

The national recycling campaign for England, supported and funded by Government, managed by WRAP and used locally by over 90% of English authorities.

Climate, environment and waste case studies from the LGA