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Revitalising town centres: a toolkit for councils

This online toolkit is intended to provide practical guidance and resources to assist councils in taking a strategic and evidence-based approach to revitalising town and city centres. This updated version of the toolkit has been prepared with the People & Places Partnership to include newly available guidance to help local authorities and place partnerships to develop COVID-19 recovery planning as part of wider revitalisation.

Shoppers in a busy town centre

Leading a town centre revival

Town and city centres face long-term issues that merit sophisticated and sustained solutions that create new understanding of inter-related issues and cooperation between different sectors and partners in developing solutions. 

Councils and their leaders are in a position to take a broad perspective and bring different interests together in a way that those championing single issues cannot. Local authorities can take a leading role or be important partners in sustaining communities through town centre revitalisation.  

Photograph: Beccles Food & Drink Festival, courtesy of Dominics Photography