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Innovation in community engagement – examples of notable practice

It has never been more important for councils to engage effectively with residents and communities. The experience of highly challenging local government finances, the COVID-19 pandemic and the increased cost of living has shown how vital it is that councils maintain open channels of communication, and opportunities for engagement.

Councils are increasingly aware of a degree of ‘consultation fatigue’ in many communities. This challenge, in addition to the challenge of engaging with hard-to-reach groups, has encouraged councils to seek innovation in how they 'do' community engagement.

Some local authorities have begun to fundamentally re-examine how they undertake community engagement.

The LGA, New Local and TPXimpact have been working together on a project to capture and celebrate examples of innovative community engagement in local government. We hope that these examples of notable practice will be translated to other local contexts and inspire those who are delivering projects and programmes where communities need to be engaged.

Over the past few months, we’ve heard inspiring stories of communities, councils and partner organisations bravely moving beyond traditional methods of engagement to find new ways of listening to and involving residents.

In councils of all sizes, tiers, regions and political make-ups, underrepresented groups and seldom-heard communities are being brought closer to decision-making and given new opportunities to shape the places and services that matter to them.

We are struck by how often this action begins with a spark of creativity and courage from a councillor or council officer, which then inspires others to embark on a journey of change.

We have collected a set of case studies and short videos describing some notable examples of innovative community engagement from across England.