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Steps to developing a local flood risk management strategy

View the five main steps included in the local flood risk management strategy in full.

Understand flood risk

To develop or update a LFRMS there is a need to understand and define the flooding problem. Consider all types of flooding and approaches to gather an develop information on flood risk. Understand which flood risk management authorities operate in the local area and collaborate with them to develop a collective understanding. 


Set objectives

Objectives need to be set that align with the National FCERM Strategy to reduce local flood risk. They need to be set alongside the aims and aspirations of others working in the area, to achieve more outcomes together.


Choose measures or actions

Consider how to choose flood risk management actions to address the local needs and meet the objectives set. The measures should reflect the types of flooding and the consequences. You need to consider how to select appropriate measures, how to work with others to maximise outcomes.



An effective strategy needs to develop a series of potential solutions into a workable plan that is able to gain funding.


Monitor and review

Consider how to set monitoring requirements. What might initiate a review of the strategy or influence this eg major flood; planning cycle.