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Staffordshire County Council: Making services available via MyStaffsApp

Staffordshire has worked in partnership with district councils across the county to develop a MyStaffsApp smartphone app, offering access to a range of services. This case study forms part of our digital experts resource.

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Residents do not need to know in advance which council provides a given service. The participating councils have been able to integrate their back-office systems according to local priorities. Without the shared approach, the costs and time involved in developing the app would have been prohibitive.

Read the full case study

Read an update from December 2016


Dionne Lowndes, Digital Lead at Staffordshire County Council

Dionne talks about the drivers for the MyStaffsApp project.

Ysanne Williams, Customer Services Manager, Lichfield DC

Ysanne talks about the benefits to residents of the MyStaffApp and examples of what residents can do through the app.

Jas Bhogal, Customer Services and Strategy Manager, South Staffordshire DC

Jas talks about the service now being offered residents via MyStaffsApps.

Tracey Tudor, Head of Customer Service at Tamworth Borough Council

Tracey talks about the benefits of developing MyStaffApp in partnership with the County and fellow District Councils