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Social Work Together: this programme closed on 30 September 2021

The Social Work Together programme closed on 30 September 2021 as the government funding came to an end.

Social Work Together

The programme was created in early 2020, to connect councils and social workers returning to practice to support the local response to coronavirus (COVID-19).  

The LGA, worked in partnership with Social Work England, the Department for Education and the Department of Health and Social Care, to provide this free platform for councils.

Councils were able to quickly access and review the skills and locations of qualified and registered social workers and contact them directly to discuss employment opportunities. 

Social Work Together enabled councils to continue to deliver essential services, where existing teams need respite due to illness, caring demands, or other challenges. 

If the Social Work Together programme receives additional funding, it can reopen to support another emergency up until March 2022. 

Success stories - share your good news 

We are looking to share best practice and success stories where councils have successfully used the Social Work Together platform. Please get in touch if you would like to share where your council and community has benefitted from additional social worker support during COVID-19

Range of expertise and skills made available to councils through Social Work Together 

Social Work Together: expertise/skills distribution across candidates registered with SWT
Councils, registered with Social Work Together, could access a range of expertise and skills to support their local response to COVID-19


“Social workers do a hugely important job supporting families and our most vulnerable. Allowing a fast-track way to temporarily return to practice during this difficult time is a much-needed boost for an already over-stretched social care workforce." - LGA Chairman, Cllr James Jamieson