Resetting the relationship between local and national government. Read our Local Government White Paper


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Adult social care risk self-assessment workshop and action planning COVER

Adult social care risk self-assessment workshop and action planning

Building on positive feedback from the sector, the LGA commissioned a refresh of the risk awareness self-assessment tool in 2016; and is now offering councils (and system partners) the option of an external, independently facilitated workshop to undertake the self-assessment along with local senior system leaders.

Councillor's workbook: supporting residents with complex issues

Councillor workbook: supporting residents with complex issues

This workbook has been designed as a distance learning aid for local councillors. It is intended to provide councillors with insight and assistance with the key skills which will help you to be most effective in your role.

View all Councillor development articles
A councillor’s workbook on supporting residents with complex issues cover

A councillor’s workbook on supporting residents with complex issues

View all Councillor development articles
Work Local - Our vision for an integrated and devolved employment and skills service COVER

Work Local - Our vision for an integrated and devolved employment and skills services - full report

Across the country, there are significant employment and skills challenges which we believe the fragmented national system is at best failing to address and, at worst, contributing to.

View allEmployment and skills articles
Councillors' perceptions of sustainability and transformation partnerships COVER

Councillors' perceptions of sustainability and transformation partnerships

Our survey results strongly support the messages we have been hearing for months – STPs are largely excluding councillors from the STP planning process.

Housing our homeless households - A summary document (thumb)

Housing our homeless households

The LGA’s report Housing our homeless households responds to rising concern amongst local authorities about the increasing homelessness pressures being faced across the country.

View allHomelessness articles
Growing places COVER

Growing places: building local public services for the future

This paper sets out how local government stands ready to meet the challenges of a changing world - and lays out the resources and shifts in thinking that will be needed to make this happen.

A year in the LGA 2016-17 cover

A year in the LGA 2016-17

For our members, 2016/17 was another difficult one with unprecedented challenges on finance, housing and social care. Councils are also facing opportunities and challenges from Britain’s exit from the European Union.

Digital procurement front

National technological and digital procurement category strategy

This IT Procurement Strategy has been developed and is owned by local government to be used to assist and promote value for money, economic growth, wider service delivery and social value.

View all Efficiency and income generation articles
LGA/Sport England: Leadership Essentials for Sport Survey

Leadership Essentials Sport impact report

The LGA undertook research amongst councillors who attended the Leadership Essentials Sport events, which were organised in partnership with Sport England. The findings show an overwhelmingly positive response from those attending.

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Make It Local

To deliver priorities for the public the Government needs to #MakeItLocal

Make It Local

In 2024 we will have a General Election. This is a moment of opportunity.


Cllr Helen Belcher OBE on how her constituents are her priority 👇 “Being a fairly prominent trans woman means I do…

5 hours ago