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Loneliness: how do you know your council is actively tackling loneliness?

Loneliness: how do you know your council is actively tackling loneliness?

The Jo Cox Commission report makes recommendations for local action, and indicates that local leaders in councils, the wider public sector and business have a critical role in tackling loneliness.

View allAdult social care articles
A sustainable adult social care and support system for the long term COVER

A sustainable adult social care and support system for the long term: moving the conversation on

Ahead of the green paper on the future of adult social care, we are publishing a series of think pieces where sector experts address issues at the heart of the debate to help define what a system fit for future generations might look like.

View allAdult social care articles
Healthy weight, healthy futures: local government action to tackle childhood obesity COVER

Healthy weight, healthy futures: local government action to tackle childhood obesity

Childhood obesity is one of the biggest health challenges of the 21st century. At the start of primary school one in 10 children are obese and by the end, that has increased to one in five.

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The LGA in Parliament 2017/2018 - thumb

LGA in Parliament 2017/18

The LGA works with a network of parliamentary supporters, including our Vice-Presidents (those with a strong interest in the work of local government who champion its causes in Parliament), to promote positive change and public service reform.

lga right to buy sustainability analysis - apr18

Sustainability of Right to Buy

While Right to Buy has helped thousands of families into home-ownership, the rules governing the scheme and the Housing Revenue Account have not enabled councils to replace those homes which are desperately needed in so many parts of the country.

Corporate Peer Challenge Programme Annual Report 2017/18 COVER

Corporate Peer Challenge Programme Annual Report 2017/18

The Corporate Peer Challenge continues to be an effective tool at the heart of the LGA’s Sector-Led Improvement (SLI) programme.

View all Sector-led improvement articles
Good progress but more to do: teenage pregnancy and young parents

Good progress but more to do: teenage pregnancy and young parents

Case studies and practical information.

View allChildren and young people articles
LGA Resident Satisfaction Polling Round 19 Feb 2018 COVER

Polling on resident satisfaction with councils: February 2018

This report outlines the nineteenth set of results in a series of regular Local Government Association (LGA) public polls on resident satisfaction with local councils, conducted every four months

Housing Advisers Programme 2018/19 - prospectus

Housing Advisers Programme 2018/19 - prospectus

The Housing Advisers Programme is designed to support local authorities deliver a project that helps meet the housing need of their local area. It aims to be simple, flexible, and locally-led. Find out more about what the programme can offer your council in our prospectus. 

One community cover image

One community: A guide to effective partnership working between principal and local councils

This Local Government Association and National Association of Local Councils guide sets out how principal and local councils can work more effectively in partnership.

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Make It Local

To deliver priorities for the public the Government needs to #MakeItLocal

Make It Local

In 2024 we will have a General Election. This is a moment of opportunity.


Cllr Helen Belcher OBE on how her constituents are her priority 👇 “Being a fairly prominent trans woman means I do…

5 hours ago