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Taking a public health approach to tackling serious violent crime: case studies COVER

Taking a public health approach to tackling serious violent crime: case studies

In this guide, we have pulled together a series of case studies to highlight some examples of best practice across local government.

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resumption of live sport

Resumption of live sport - brief guidance note

This note provides a brief overview of councils’ regulatory responsibilities where there is a relevant sports ground in their area, to assist senior officers and members in seeking assurance on this issue. More detailed guidance for operational leads has been developed by the Sports Grounds Safety Authority (SGSA).

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Accessing support: the role of the voluntary and community sector during COVID-19 COVER

Accessing support: the role of the voluntary and community sector during COVID-19

The purpose of this document is to provide councils and their community and voluntary sector partners with a briefing on the role and contribution of the community and voluntary sector and the use of volunteers in local and national responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Councillor guidance on emergency response structures cover

Councillor guidance on emergency response structures

This short note has been produced as a supplement to our earlier Local Government Association (LGA) councillor guidance on the COVID-19 outbreak and sits alongside our new COVID-19 workbook for leaders and cabinet members.

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Tackling domestic abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic front cover

Tackling domestic abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic

An overview of domestic abuse and how councils can provide help and support to victims during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as tackle perpetrators’ abusive behaviour.

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Car wash tackling modern slavery thumbnail of publication cover

Tackling labour abuse and modern slavery in the hand car wash sector

It has been said that modern slavery is hidden, but often in plain sight. Hand car washes are a good example of this and have been a particular area of focus. In recent years, the sector has become common in our high streets and communities, but local residents may be unwittingly using victims of labour exploitation or even modern slavery to wash their cars.

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Councillor guide to tackling modern slavery COVER

Councillor guide to tackling modern slavery

This guidance is targeted specifically at councillors, and highlights the specific role that individual councillors can play in raising awareness of the issue and embedding work to tackle slavery within councils.

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Tackling modern slavery: council case studies COVER

Tackling modern slavery: council case studies

The case studies in this document build on the detailed guidance we published in 2017, and on the modern slavery workshops which we have held around the country.

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Policing and fire governance: guidance for police and crime panels COVER

Policing and fire governance: guidance for police and crime panels

This guidance has been produced for police (fire) and crime panel chairs, members and support officers and those with whom they work. It is intended to provide information about the statutory roles of panels and to highlight good practice that has been developed over the years since panels were first established.

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Community Cohesion 10.3 front cover

Building cohesive communities

Cohesive communities are about more than just preventing or addressing unacceptable behaviour and hate crime.

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To deliver priorities for the public the Government needs to #MakeItLocal

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In 2024 we will have a General Election. This is a moment of opportunity.


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