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Return to Work - Planning: Communications Toolkit for Stakeholders

A how-to communications toolkit for stakeholders COVER
A how-to communications toolkit for stakeholders


Return to Work – Planning is one of four return to work programmes, developed by the Local Government Association (LGA) and the Government Equalities Office. With the aim of supporting councils with recruitment, the LGA will run a national recruitment drive on their behalf and carefully select a cohort of people who have worked in town planning, to receive free training so they are ready to return to work in local authorities.

Candidates accepted onto the programme will be professionals with experience in planning or with transferable experience from other services, who are currently on a career break and who require additional support to take the step back into their careers. They will receive free training from the Planning Advisory Service, who specialise in providing government officers and councillors with high-quality advice and training on planning and service delivery.

Councils who sign up to this free programme will be given the chance to connect with our selected participants to discuss job vacancies.

To encourage experienced planners living in your area to apply for our programme, we ask you to help us by sharing the opportunity with your networks. In this guide, you will find templates for multiple communication platforms to make sharing the programme as simple as possible. Please feel free to tailor the examples to suit your area and organisation.

For more information about the Return to Work – Planning programme, please visit our website

Candidate attraction: suggested tweets

#ReturnToWork as a planner.

Have you taken a career break to care for someone, looked after someone during the COVID-19 crisis, or been out of employment for 12 months or more? @LGAcomms want to hear from you!

Find out more ⬇
Calling planners. Would you like support to return to work after a career break?

We’re pleased to introduce @LGAcomms’ free training programme, which can help you step back into your profession.

Find out more on the LGA's website ?

We're proud to support @LGAcomms’ Return to Work - Planning programme.

It will provide planners with free training from @pas_team, so they can refresh their skills and get back to work after a career break.

Apply on the LGA's website ?

People who work in councils benefit from:

⚪ a wide variety of projects

⚪ flexible working

⚪ the chance to shape where they live

Apply for @LGAcomms' #ReturnToWork programme for the chance to connect with councils that have vacancies.

Apply online ?


Candidate attraction: suggested Facebook post

Do you have experience of working in planning? Do you want to play a part in shaping your local area?

If the answer is yes, you may be interested in @LocalGovAssoc’s Return to Work – Planning programme. This programme will support those with experience in planning to return to work after a career break.

You will be provided with free training from the Planning Advisory Service, who will help you to refresh your skills and hit the ground running.

Sign up to the programme via the LGA’s website today ⬇️


Candidate attraction: suggested LinkedIn post

We are delighted to support the Return to Work – Planning programme, developed by the @LocalGovernmentAssociation and @GovernmentEqualitiesOffice.

If you have experience of working in planning and want to return to work after a career break, this free programme can help you take that step.

You will be provided with free training from the Planning Advisory Service, who specialise in providing government officers and councillors with high-quality advice and training on planning and service delivery.

The training will help you to update your knowledge so you can play a part in shaping developments in your local area.

For more information about this unique opportunity, visit the LGA’s website today ⇨


Candidate attraction: suggested intranet post

People are being encouraged to work in council planning as part of a new recruitment drive.

The Local Government Association (LGA) has launched the Return to Work – Planning campaign, providing those with experience in planning with free training and support to return to work after a career break.

Training will be delivered by the Planning Advisory Service, who specialise in providing government officers and councillors with high-quality advice and training on planning and service delivery.

The training will help participants to update their knowledge and skills so they can play a part in shaping developments in their local areas.

With funding provided by the Government Equalities Office, the campaign aims to support those who have taken an extended career break to care for someone.

The programme will also consider applications from planning professionals who have caring responsibilities and have become unemployed due to COVID-19, or who have been in long-term unemployment.

Amanda, a senior planner who took a break to care for her family, encourages people to return to work:

“Returning to a local authority provided me with a supportive environment, allowing me to take time off around my childcare commitments.

Candidate attraction: suggested bulletin article

We are delighted to support the Local Government Association (LGA) and Government Equality Office’s Return to Work – Planning programme.

People with experience in planning will be provided with free support and training so they can return to work after a career break.

Training will be provided by the Planning Advisory Service, who specialise in providing government officers and councillors with high-quality advice and training on planning and service delivery.

For the chance to complete this training and play a part in shaping developments in your local area, apply for the programme via the LGA’s website today.

Candidate attraction: suggested email

Subject line

Return to Work – Planning programme


Dear colleague,

We are pleased to support the Local Government Association’s (LGA) new Return to Work – Planning campaign.

Designed to help those with experience in planning to return to work after a career break, this programme will provide them with free training and support.

Training will be delivered by the Planning Advisory Service, who specialise in providing government officers and councillors with high-quality advice and training on planning and service delivery.

The training will help participants to update their knowledge and skills so they can play a part in shaping developments in their local areas.

With funding provided by the Government Equalities Office, the campaigns aim to support those who have taken extended career breaks to care for someone.

The programme will also consider applications from planning professionals who have caring responsibilities and have become unemployed due to COVID-19, or who have been in long-term unemployment.

Council attraction: suggested tweets

We're proud to support @LGAcomms’ Return to Work campaign! Planners will be supported to return to work after a career break – and councils who get involved can recruit these highly motivated professionals.

Learn more on the LGA's website ?

Councils involved in the Return to Work programme will benefit from:

? a high-calibre talent pool

? a way to tackle agency costs

? broader attraction & retention

Visit @LGAcomms' website to find out how your council can get involved ?



Council attraction: suggested Facebook post

We are delighted to introduce the Return to Work – Planning programme, created by @LocalGovAssoc and @GEOgovuk to support councils with recruitment.

The programme will run a national recruitment drive on their behalf and give them the chance to discuss vacancies with people who have experience in planning.

Register your interest on the LGA’s website today ⬇️


Council attraction: suggested LinkedIn post

The national #ReturnToWork – Planning programme will support professionals with experience in planning, to get back to work after a career break.

Councils that sign up can fill their vacancies with experienced individuals who have been trained by the Planning Advisory Service.

Visit @LocalGovernmentAssociation’s website to find out more ⬇

Council attraction: suggested bulletin article

We are delighted to support the Return to Work – ICT programme, developed by the Local Government Association and the Government Equalities Office.

Designed to help councils with recruitment, this free programme will run a national recruitment drive on their behalf and give them the chance to fill their planning vacancies with experienced professionals who have been trained by the Planning Advisory Service.

Visit the LGA’s website for more details and to sign up.

Council attraction: suggested email

Subject line

Return to Work – Planning programme


Dear colleague,

We are proud to support the Return to Work – Planning programme, created by the Local Government Association (LGA) and the Government Equalities Office.

Designed to help councils with recruitment, this free programme will run a national recruitment drive on your behalf and give you the chance to fill your planning vacancies with experienced individuals who have been trained by the Planning Advisory Service.

Candidates accepted onto the programme will be professionals with experience in planning, who are currently on a career break and who require additional support to step back into their careers.

The benefits of signing up to this programme and employing one of their candidates includes:

The benefits of signing up to this programme and employing one of their candidates, include:

  1. Cost-effective recruitment – a way to avoid the fees associated with hiring agency staff or using recruitment agencies.
  2. Improved employer brand/image – showing that your council is open to non-linear career pathways and supports those with caring responsibilities.
  1. Access to a new high-calibre talent pool – many returners bring experience and skills from outside of ICT, which can broaden the skillset of your teams.

With the recruitment of planning professionals being completed for you, your organisation can focus on developing your COVID-19 recovery plans until such a time that you are ready to interview and select one of the LGA’s candidates.

For more information about this free programme, visit the LGA’s website today.