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Return to Work – Legal: Communications Toolkit for Stakeholders

Return to work legal: Stakeholder tool kit
In this guide you will find templates for multiple communication platforms to make sharing the scheme as simple as possible. Please feel free to tailor the examples to suit your area and organisation.


Return to Work – Legal is one of four return to work initiatives, developed by the Local Government Association (LGA). Designed to support councils with the recruitment of legal professionals, this scheme will run a national recruitment drive on their behalf and provide them with the opportunity to connect with experience barristers, solicitors and legal executives.

Councils that sign up to this free scheme will be able to review the CVs of those registered and reach out to those who best fit with their organisation.

To encourage councils and candidates to apply for our campaign, we ask you to help us by sharing the opportunity with your networks. In this guide you will find templates for multiple communication platforms to make sharing the scheme as simple as possible. Please feel free to tailor the examples to suit your area and organisation.

For more information about the Return to Work – Legal scheme, please visit our website.

Suggested tweets for candidate attraction

  • #ReturnToWork and join a local authority legal team!

    Have you taken a career break to care for someone, looked after someone during the #COVID-19 crisis, or been out of employment for 12 months or more? @LGAcomms want to hear from you!

    Find out more ⬇️

  • We’re pleased to support @LGAcomms’ Return to Work –Legal scheme.

    It will support barristers, solicitors and legal executives to get back to work after a career break.

    Find out more ?


  • Know a barrister, solicitor or legal executive who wants to restart their career after a break?

    Tell them about @LGAcomms’ free scheme to help them connect with councils that have vacancies.

    Visit the LGA website for more information ?


  • People who work in councils benefit from:

    ⚪ a wide variety of projects

    ⚪ flexible working

    ⚪ the chance to shape where they live

    Apply for @LGAcomms' #ReturnToWork scheme for the chance to connect with councils that have vacancies.

    Apply online ?

Suggested Facebook post for candidate attraction

Calling barristers, solicitors and legal executives. Do you want to return to work after a career break?

We’re pleased to introduce @LGAcomms’ free scheme to help you connect with council employers and get back to work.

For more information about this unique opportunity, visit the LGA’s website today ?


Suggested Linkedin post for candidate attraction

We are delighted to support @LocalGovernmentAssociation’s Return to Work – Legal scheme.

This free scheme will help experienced barristers, solicitors and legal executives return to work after a career break by giving them the chance to connect with councils that have job vacancies.

Sign up to the scheme today via the LGA’s website ⬇️


Suggested intranet post for candidate attraction

People are being encouraged to return to work in council legal departments as part of a new recruitment drive.

The Local Government Association (LGA) has launched the new Return to Work – Legal campaign, providing experienced barristers, solicitors and legal executives with free support to return to work after a career break and join council legal teams.

They will also be provided with information about resources and networking groups so they can build their knowledge within a local government setting.

There has never been a better time to return to work. More employers are realising that individuals who have taken career breaks bring with them a variety of valuable skills and experiences that can enhance an organisation’s performance and approach to projects.

If you know a brilliant barrister, solicitor or legal executive who wants to restart their career after a break, please encourage them to apply for this campaign.

The LGA encourages applicants from both the public and private sectors.

To find out more about this unique opportunity, please visit the Return to Work – Legal website.

Suggested bulletin article for candidate attraction

We are delighted to support the Local Government Association’s (LGA) Return to Work – Legal scheme.

Experienced barristers, solicitors and legal executives will be given the chance to share their CVs with council employers who are actively looking for professionals to join their legal teams. To apply for this opportunity, visit the LGA’s website today!

Suggested email for candidate attraction

Subject line

Return to Work – Legal scheme


Dear colleague,

We are pleased to support the Local Government Association’s (LGA) new Return to Work – Legal scheme.

Designed to help experienced barristers, solicitors and legal executives return to work after a career break, this programme will provide them with free support to connect with council legal teams.

Those that sign up will be given the chance to share their CVs with council employers. They will also be provided with information about resources and networking groups so they can build their knowledge within a local government setting.

There has never been a better time to return to work. More employers are realising that individuals who have taken career breaks bring with them a variety of valuable skills and experiences that can enhance an organisation’s performance and approach to projects.

If you or someone you know is a brilliant barrister, solicitor or legal executive who wants to restart their career after a break, please encourage them to apply for this campaign.

The LGA encourages applicants from both the public and private sectors.

More information can be found on the LGA’s website.

Suggested tweets for council attraction

  • We’re proud to support @LGAcomms’ Return to Work – Legal scheme!

    It will help legal professionals get back to work after a career break – and councils who get involved can recruit these highly motivated professionals.

    Sign up today ?


  • Councils involved in the Return to Work scheme will benefit from:

    ? a high-calibre talent pool

    ? a way to tackle agency costs

    ? broader attraction & retention

    Visit @LGAcomms' website to find out how your council can get involved ?


Suggested Facebook post for council attraction

We are delighted to introduce the Return to Work – Legal scheme, created by @LocalGovAssoc.

Designed to support councils with the recruitment of legal professionals, this scheme will run a national recruitment drive on their behalf.

Councils that sign up will then get the chance to connect with experienced barristers, solicitors and legal executives to discuss job opportunities.

Register your interest for this free scheme today and hire professionals without the agency fees ⬇️


Suggested LinkedIn post for council attraction

The national Return to Work – Legal scheme will help experienced professionals get back to work after a career break.

Councils that get involved can avoid agency fees and fill their legal vacancies with experienced barristers, solicitors and legal executives.

Visit @LocalGovernmentAssociation’s website to find out more ⬇️


Suggested bulletin article for council attraction

We are delighted to support the Return to Work – Legal scheme, developed by the Local Government Association (LGA).

Designed to support councils with the recruitment of legal professionals, this scheme will run a national recruitment drive on their behalf. Councils that get involved can avoid agency fees and fill their legal vacancies with experienced barristers, solicitors and legal executives. Visit the LGA’s website for more details and to sign up.

Suggested email for council attraction

Subject line

Return to Work – Legal scheme


Dear colleague,

We are proud to support the Return to Work – Legal scheme, developed by the Local Government Association (LGA).

Designed to help councils with recruitment, this free scheme will run a national recruitment drive on your authority’s behalf. By signing up, your council can avoid agency fees and fill your legal vacancies with experienced professionals.

Candidates accepted onto the scheme will be experienced barristers, solicitors and legal executives who are returning to work after taking career breaks.

The benefits of signing up to this scheme and employing one of their candidates, include:

  1. Cost-effective recruitment – a way to avoid the fees associated with hiring agency staff or using recruitment agencies.
  2. Improved employer brand/image – showing that your council is open to non-linear career pathways and supports those with caring responsibilities.
  3. Access to a new high-calibre talent pool – many returners bring experience and skills from outside of the public sector, which can broaden the skillset of your teams.

With the recruitment of legal professionals being completed for you, your organisation can focus on developing your COVID-19 recovery plans until such a time that you are ready to interview and select one of the LGA’s candidates.

For more information about this free scheme, visit the LGA’s website today.