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LGA in Parliament 2016/17

In our last membership survey, 89 per cent of council leaders, frontline councillors and officials surveyed told us the LGA’s lobbying on behalf of local government was important.

It has been another year of change with the triggering of Article 50 signalling the beginning of the negotiations to leave the European Union, and the local, mayoral and general elections bringing changes to our governance. In Parliament, we have campaigned to reflect councils’ concerns that the last year has been another difficult one with unprecedented challenges on finance, housing and social care. But, despite uncertain times, we have also been able to celebrate the ability of councils to find solutions and get things done.

The LGA has also demonstrated that it is a highly influential membership body. We promised our members that the association will never sit back and allow history to be written about local government without our input. Over the last parliamentary session, we have been working with parliamentarians to shape legislation and political debate in order to bring about positive change for local government and our communities.