Resetting the relationship between local and national government. Read our Local Government White Paper

Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Levelling Up White Paper: LGA briefing

This briefing sets out the headline announcements in the Government's Levelling Up White Paper, summarises elements of the 12 missions relevant to local councils and provides details of our improvement and support offer for areas looking to take forward a devolution deal.

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Final Local Government Finance Settlement 2022/23, House of Commons, 9 February 2022

The LGA has long highlighted that council tax rises – particularly the adult social care precept – have never been the solution to the long-term pressures faced by councils, particularly in social care which is facing severe financial and capacity challenges. Increasing council tax raises different amounts of money in different parts of the country, unrelated to need.

Debate on special educational needs and children’s mental health services, House of Commons, 9 February 2022

Councils play a vital role in supporting children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). They also play a broader role in promoting good mental health and tackling mental ill health, and are committed to providing all young people with the support they need to thrive. 

Armed Forces Act 2021: background, implications for councils and practical steps to get ready for the Act

All councils have voluntarily signed the Armed Forces Covenant. The further enshrinement of the Covenant into law is an opportunity to build upon work councils are already leading to help serving personnel, reservists, veterans, and their families to have the same equality of access to public services as their civilian neighbours.

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LGA response to "Health and social care integration: joining up care for people, places and populations"

This briefing sets out the LGA's response to different parts of the Government's health and social care integration white paper. We welcome the recognition that achieving better health and wellbeing outcomes for individuals and communities is the primary purpose of integration, but achieving the scale of ambition set out will require long term commitment from Government, local government and NHS leaders at every level.

Carers and safeguarding: a briefing for people who work with carers

This briefing provides an update of the ADASS Advice note 'Carers and Safeguarding Adults' produced in 2011 for frontline workers and brings it in line with the Care Act 2014. It is intended to be used as a practical tool and does not seek to amend or replace existing statutory guidance that may be in place. The briefing will support the improvement in practice regarding safeguarding adults as well as safeguarding their carers.

View allAdult social care articles

Building Safety Bill, Committee Stage, House of Lords, 21 February 2022

The LGA has four core asks around the Building Safety Bill.

View allBuilding safety articles

Skills and Post-16 Education Bill, Report Stage, House of Commons, 21 February 2021

While we support the Bill’s aim to make the skills system more responsive to employers’ needs, the reforms need to be implemented as part of an integrated, place-based approach.

UK Shared Prosperity Fund: pre-launch guidance

This briefing summarised the guidance and some of the key issues councils and combined authorities will need to consider in advance of further details about the UKSPF being released.

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