Resetting the relationship between local and national government. Read our Local Government White Paper

Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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House of Commons debate, Fire safety in retirement communities, 9 November 2021

We welcome the introduction of the Fire Safety Act and the Building Safety Bill and hope they will be an important step in the right direction. We are however concerned about some of the practicalities of the implementation of new fire safety legislation for both resident safety and local authorities.

View allFire and rescue articles

The Rating (Coronavirus) and Directors Disqualification (Dissolved Companies) Bill, Committee Stage, House of Lords, 10 November 2021

The Rating (Coronavirus) and Directors Disqualification (Dissolved Companies) Bill legislates to ensure that COVID-19 cannot be taken as a cause of material changes of circumstances for business rates and makes provision in connection with the disqualification of directors of companies that are dissolved without becoming insolvent. We welcome the provisions in in the Bill.

LGA position paper on Integration

This paper outlines the learning from the LGA and its partner organisations on the critical success factors for achieving effective, joined-up and person-centred care and support to improve people’s experience of care and support and improve their health and wellbeing outcomes.

The delivery of the new Tobacco Control Plan, House of Commons, 16 November 2021

Since its launch in May 2013, over 100 councils across the country have signed the Local Government Declaration on Tobacco Control.

View allPublic health articles

Skills and Post-16 Education Bill, Second Reading, House of Commons, 15 November 2021

Local government – local authorities (LAs) and mayoral combined authorities (MCAs) – have a crucial role in making the skills and employment system work for their areas, and have wide-ranging functions and expertise in the skills system.

View allEmployment and skills articles

House of Lords debate, Publication of the government white paper on levelling up, November 2021

We ask that the White Paper is utilised as an opportunity to reset the relationship between national and local government and put councils at the heart of delivering the Government’s ambitious programme to improve opportunities in all parts of the country.

View allCommunities articles

LGA submission to DLUHC and MoD: Supporting defence infrastructure and the future of time-limited permanent development rights

Councils want to be able to create great communities and support local involvement in designing, planning and creating great places for current and future generations.

Westminster Hall debate on the safety of women and the regulation of pedicabs in London - 16 November 2021

Councils play an important role, alongside police and other partners, in protecting their communities and assuring that they are safe places to live. A whole society approach, underpinned by a Government commitment to provide long-term funding to councils, is needed to give women and girls confidence that there is not just the will but also the power to improve things through cultural change.

View allCommunity safety articles

Community Discharge Grant 2021/22

In July 2020, the Government announced the £62 million Community Discharge Grant in England to help accelerate the discharge of patients with learning disabilities and/or autistic people from mental health hospitals into the community.

View allMental health articles

Pedicabs (London) Bill: Second Reading House of Commons, 19 November 2021

Currently, pedicabs are exempt from the regulations which cover taxis and private hire vehicles. They do not need a licence to operate, are able to set their own prices and are not subject to checks on the safety and ability of their drivers, or the road worthiness of their vehicles

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