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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Protect duty consultation – LGA response, July 2021

Acts of terrorism have a devastating and far-reaching impact on victims, their families and friends, and on communities more widely.

View allCommunity safety articles

Business and Planning Act 2020 (Pavement Licences) (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2021

It is crucial that these regulations come into effect ahead of summer parliamentary recess, which will provide councils with additional time to consider applications for licences extending beyond September 2021.

Environment Bill , Committee Stage, House of Lords, 5 July 2021

Local government wants to see measures that reduce the amount of unnecessary and unrecyclable material becoming an issue in the first place.

Skills and Post-16 Education Bill , Committee Stage, House of Lords, 6 July 2021

The LGA supports a local, employer-led approach to develop Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs). To enhance this, Mayoral Combined Authorities and local authorities should be core and strategic partners in the LSIP process. Their wide-ranging expertise on this agenda and local knowledge is missing from the Bill, and we hope this is redressed during its passage through Parliament.

Restoring trust in audit and corporate governance. Consultation on the government’s proposals. LGA response.

The consultation and its proposals are wide ranging. In our response we will only comment on aspects of the consultation document that are of direct interest to local government.

LGA Response to Consultation on Consistency in Household and Business Recycling in England

The LGA welcomes the opportunity to continue to contribute to the consultations on resources and waste reforms, first set out in the Government’s Resources and Waste Strategy.

Health and Care Bill Second Reading, House of Commons, 14 July 2021

The LGA broadly supports the Bill’s focus on improving the health and wellbeing of the population and the duty of bodies to have regard to this in making decisions.

The future of the planning system and the upcoming Planning Bill , House of Commons, 15 July 2021

The LGA continues to campaign for a locally led planning system and this is particularly important as we rebuild and recover from COVID-19.

Developing a cross-Government strategy for improving outcomes for children and families

We are calling for a cross-Government strategy for children and young people to ensure they are at the heart of the national recovery and can thrive, no matter where they are from or their background.

View allChildren and young people articles

LGA submission to the HM Treasury consultation on a Residential Property Developer Tax

The Government is consulting on the policy design for a new tax that is proposed for the UK residential property development sector. The residential property developer tax (RPDT) will be introduced in 2022 and seek to raise at least £2 billion over a decade.

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