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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Debate on energy efficiency measures in buildings to achieve net zero, House of Commons, 26 February 2020

We support the intention of the Government’s proposals to future-proof new build homes with low carbon heating and world-leading levels of energy efficiency. The Government’s manifesto commitment for a £3.8 billion capital Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund is positive. We look forward to working with the Government to ensure effective implementation.

Opposition Day Debate: Social Care, House of Commons, 25 February 2020

The underfunding of adult social care and support sector is impacting on the quality of life of people who have care and support needs. It is also creating a fragile provider market, putting workforce and unpaid family carers under further strain, creating unmet and under-met need and impacting on social care’s ability to help mitigate demand pressures on the NHS.

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NHS Funding Bill, Second Reading, House of Lords, 26 February 2020

In recent years, adult social care has been propped up by one-off, piecemeal injections of funding. This hampers councils’ ability to plan for anything beyond a short-term horizon. Social care and public health funding should therefore be given the same long-term certainty as NHS funding.

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Environment Bill, Second Reading, House of Commons, 26 February 2020

We have some concerns about the implementation of certain provisions within the Bill, and the new burdens that will be imposed on councils as a result. A key example is the expected increased burden on planning departments. Local government will need to acquire new skills and be given the appropriate resources, to deliver on the ambitious plans in the Bill. 

Debate the Effectiveness of the apprenticeship levy - House of Commons, 11 February 2020

The LGA’s apprenticeships support programme provides a range of practical support and advice for local authorities and their maintained schools on developing and enhancing their apprenticeship programme.

Motion relating to Local Government Finance Report 2020/21

The Local Government Finance Settlement is the annual determination of funding to local government from central government. The provisional Settlement for 2020/21 was published on 20 December 2019.

UK-EU revised agreement of 17 October 2019 on the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union

Since the referendum, the LGA has taken a neutral position on the UK’s membership of the EU.

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LGA briefing: Children's mental health week - House of Commons, 6 February 2020

Good mental health is essential for a healthy and prosperous society. Unfortunately, it is easier to focus on what happens when a person becomes mentally ill, and how the health service intervenes, rather than how to keep our communities mentally well in the first place. Improving and maintaining good mental health for communities is a key priority for councils.

Technological and lifestyle efforts to address climate change and meet the 2050 net zero carbon emissions target - House of Lords, 6 February 2020

Technological and lifestyle efforts have an important role to play in addressing climate change and meeting the net zero target, but responsibility cannot rest with individuals alone. Compelling, appropriate and affordable sustainable alternatives must be available to the general public to enable them to make sustainable choices.

Debate on the NHS’s performance in relation to its priority area targets; and the impact of adult social care pressures on patients of the National Health Service, and their safety, House of Lords, 6 February 2020

We are pleased that in the recent Spending Round, the Government has responded to our calls and provided desperately needed new money, including £1 billion for social care (children’s and adults), as well as confirming the continuation of existing grants. However, these one-off, piecemeal injections of funding hamper councils’ ability to plan for anything beyond a short-term horizon. Social care needs to be given long term funding certainty in the same way as the NHS, and we look forward to seeing the Government’s plans for long-term adult social care reform.

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