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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Budget 2020 – LGA On the Day Briefing

Our on-the-day briefing highlights the main announcements and their impact on local government.

Education (Guidance about Costs of School Uniforms) Bill, House of Commons, Second Reading, 13 March 2020

School uniforms can help children feel part of a community and instil a sense of pride in their school. School uniforms can also be practical and prevent bullying related harms where children are singled out for what they are wearing.

View allEducation and schools articles

Investing in and embracing a Green Economy, House of Lords, 12 March 2020

The LGA is committed to supporting local government to continue on this journey, and our climate change hub brings together an overview of our sector-led improvement offer of support to help councils continue to provide strong local leadership on this important issue.

PSAA's consultation on the audit fee scale for 2020/21

Read the Public Sector Audit Appointments (PSAA) consultation on 2021 audit fee scale.

LGA response to Government consultation on strengthening police powers to tackle unauthorised encampments, 4 March 2020

Although strengthened police powers offer the potential to help tackle unauthorised encampments, in isolation they are unlikely to solve the problems caused by them, since tackling unauthorised encampments requires a multi-agency response and the resources to support this.

View allCommunity safety articles

Flooding: Opposition Day Debate, House of Commons, 4 March 2020

A strategic national response to flooding is vital in supporting local efforts. All affected councils and areas should also have the opportunity to engage directly with the new cross-Whitehall Flood Recovery Taskforce. Councils should have their say in how the £4 billion the Government has committed to flooding over the next five years is spent.

View allFlooding articles

Opposition Day Debate: Health Inequalities, House of Commons, 4 March 2020

Sustainable, long-term investment in councils’ public health services is needed if we are to reverse reductions in life expectancy and tackle health inequalities across the country.

View allPublic health articles

International Women’s Day debate: 5 and 10 March 2020

We are committed to helping members improve their diversity and inclusion across all areas and we are working with central government to encourage more women to enter politics.

Housing and Planning, House of Commons, 3 March 2020

We are calling on the Government to use the Budget to give councils the tools and powers they need to resume their historic role as major housebuilders of good, quality affordable homes for social rent, and to invest in homelessness prevention.

View allHousing and planning articles

School exclusions, House of Commons, 26 February 2020

The LGA has raised concerns that councils do not currently have the powers to fulfil their duties to ensure home schooled children are receiving a suitable education. In particular, this is because they have no powers to enter homes or to see children to satisfy themselves that this is the case.

View allEducation and schools articles

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Cllr Helen Belcher OBE on how her constituents are her priority 👇 “Being a fairly prominent trans woman means I do…

5 hours ago