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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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LGA Briefing: Increase in violent crime and the case for a cross-governmental response for young people House of Lords, 29 November 2018

Councils are uniquely placed to deliver programmes that improve the lives of children and young people, as they have responsibility for delivering over 800 local services. This includes councils’ duty to protect children and young people from involvement in, and the impact of, youth violence.

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LGA response to Cabinet Office consultation: Protecting the Debate: Intimidation, Influence and Information

"The LGA supports the proposed new electoral law and any additional efforts to tackle the intimidation of local political candidates."

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Tackling modern slavery briefing - House of Commons, 9 October

The LGA started a new programme of work on this issue in January 2017 when the then Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, Kevin Hyland OBE, met the LGA’s Safer and Stronger Communities Board.

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LGA Response to DCMS Consultation on Society Lottery Reform

Proposals to increase the threshold for defining small society lotteries would mean local authorities having to regulate a larger number of operators.  

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Integrated Communities Strategy Green Paper - LGA response

Building cohesive communities can only be successful with an in-depth understanding of that locality. Councils’ position at the heart of their communities, provides them with a unique vantage point and the knowledge to both respond, and build resilience, to integration challenges, alongside local partners.

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LGA response to the Domestic Abuse Bill consultation, 31 May 2018

The new Domestic Abuse Bill has the potential to make important changes to help improve the lives of victims of domestic abuse.

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Support for survivors of domestic abuse, House of Lords, 22 March 2018

We particularly welcome the Government’s allocation of £8 million towards support for children who witness domestic abuse, which followed the LGA’s call for an urgent injection of funding into early intervention initiatives that provide support for children experiencing domestic violence.

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LGA response to the Casey review on integration December 2017

The Local Government Association welcomes the helpful insight provided by the Dame Louise Casey review into opportunity and integration.

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Debate on challenges facing problem gamblers, House of Lords, Thursday 23 November 2017

Problem gambling can impact on individuals and their families’ physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing as well as having a wider impact on society through crime and disorder.

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LGA submission to the call for evidence for the independent review of building regulations and fire safety, 13 October 2017

The LGA welcomes the opportunity to submit evidence to the independent review of building regulations and fire safety. Councils across the country are clear that no one should have to live in fear about their safety, be that in the buildings they live in, work in or visit.

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