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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Briefing on Winter Plan

Government announced changes to the system of tiers and restrictions and a new winter plan on 23 November 2020. This briefing provides a simple overview.

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Digital infrastructure, connectivity and accessibility, 3 December 2020

Access to fast and reliable digital connectivity is a necessity for communities and businesses and will be essential to keeping pace with global developments as we emerge from COVID-19.

The future of the high street, House of Commons, 10 December 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an acceleration of changes to the reasons people visit and use high streets. Data for November 2020 shows that footfall is at 45 percent compared to the same period last year. Before the pandemic, footfall had dropped over 10 per cent in the last 7 years. Internet sales had risen to 21 per cent of all retail sales at the end of 2019 compared to 7 per cent a decade earlier, and during the height of the national lockdown period in May this had jumped to nearly 33 per cent of all retail sales.

View allEconomic growth articles

Integrating care: Next steps to building strong and effective integrated care systems

This briefing summarises the proposals of relevance to local government in the NHS consultation document and highlights the initial key messages, questions and concerns of the LGA. Our final response to the consultation will be informed by the views of our member authorities.

View allAdult social care articles

Debate on the Planning for the Future White Paper, House of Commons, 15 December 2020

Whilst we recognise the Government’s aspiration to improve the current system, without addressing many of the detailed issues there is a significant risk that proposed changes could have a detrimental effect on the planning system. We have the opportunity to take the time needed to make improvements to the planning system. Conversely, if we get this wrong, the impacts will last for generations and some will be irreversible.

The provision of healthcare support services in the period between conception and age two, House of Commons, 15 December 2020

Councils’ public health grant has been reduced by over £700 million since 2015. This grant funds 0-19 services, as well as substance misuse, sexual health and weight management services, which all contribute to outcomes in the early years.

View allChildren and young people articles

Support for homelessness during the winter months - House of Commons Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Councils and their partners worked tirelessly at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, under the Government’s ‘Everyone In’ directive, to support people sleeping rough or in high risk, dormitory-style accommodation into more appropriate accommodation. Many councils have continued these efforts well beyond the first national lockdown period.

Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement 2021/22: On-the-Day Briefing

This briefing covers the provisional local government finance settlement for 2021/22. We expect the final 2021/22 settlement to be laid before the House of Commons for its approval in late January or early February 2021.

Domestic Abuse Bill Second Reading House of Lords, Tuesday 5 January 2021

The Domestic Abuse Bill introduces important measures which will help to raise awareness of domestic abuse and will go some way to providing additional support to domestic abuse victims, whilst also helping to challenge perpetrator’s behaviour. It is a positive step in the right direction.

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