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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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LGA response to the Government’s consultation on allocation methods for New Burdens funding: New Duty on Local Authorities to Provide Domestic Abuse Support in Safe Accommodation in England Friday 13 November 2020

Councils recognise they have an important role to play in tackling domestic abuse, alongside partners in health, education, housing, the police and wider services. The Government’s commitment to ensure adequate funding will be provided to place vital accommodation-based domestic abuse services on a long-term, sustainable footing is therefore a positive step.

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Fire Safety Bill: Report Stage, House of Lords, 17 November 2020

To ensure the legislation is successful in protecting lives, national government must ensure that local government is reimbursed for any additional costs arising out of the operational changes mandated by this Bill.

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Environment Bill, Committee Stage, House of Commons, November 2020

The aspirations of the Environment Bill could be undermined by the Government’s Planning White Paper. The White Paper proposes substantial changes to the planning system, and it is unclear at this stage what the implications for the system of biodiversity net gain will be. Government will need to work in a coordinated way to ensure that the system of biodiversity net gain can work in practice in any reformed planning system.

COVID-19 restrictions on gyms and sport, House of Commons, 23 November 2020

As we face the biggest public health crisis in living memory, physical activity and sport have a critical role in building individual resilience to the immediate challenge of COVID-19, but also in tackling the loneliness and obesity epidemics that pose a longer-term threat to our nation’s health. 

Suggested steps for increased localisation of testing and tracing, 20 November 2020

The information contained in this briefing draws on a wide range of feedback from councils.

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Adequacy of funding for local authorities during the COVID-19 outbreak, House of Commons, 24 November 2020

Taking into account the grant support received so far, and assuming that the income guarantee scheme parameters will compensate councils for around £1 billion of lost non-tax income, the Institute for Fiscal Studies estimate there is still an unfunded overall pressure of £1.1 billion in 2020/21 that councils will be forced to absorb unless further funding is announced. 

Spending Review 2020: On-the-Day Briefing

The 2020 Spending Review outlines the Government’s spending plans for 2021/22 by setting budgets for each central government department.

Briefing on Lateral Flow Testing

The situation with COVID-19 is moving quickly, and while we have in place a series of webinars and other events to ensure elected members, officers and partners are updated, there are a number of issues which come up repeatedly or need slightly more detailed information.  This briefing series is designed to provide accurate and up to date information on key issues. 

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Homelessness and temporary accommodation, House of Commons, 2 December 2020

In the longer term the LGA is calling for a shift towards investing in homelessness prevention measures. This includes maintaining increased support through the mainstream benefits system, increased protection for private renters, and a commitment across government to a programme of homelessness prevention.

The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Local Authority Enforcement Powers and Amendment) (England) Regulations 2020, House of Commons, 1 December 2020

It is essential that councils have a range of tools at their disposal to allow them to work quickly to help suppress the virus in their communities and take action against non-compliant businesses before it is too late.

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