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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Improving the education system after COVID-19, House of Commons, 23 March 2021

Councils have been supporting all schools throughout the pandemic, including working to support vulnerable pupils and interpreting guidance to help ensure learning has continued as safely and effectively as possible .

View allEducation and schools articles

COVID-19: Opening gyms and public leisure facilities, House of Commons, 22 March 2021

We welcome the Government’s roadmap and evidenced-based approach to reopening, and on behalf of councils we are keen to work with national government and public health experts to ensure public gyms and leisure facilities can reopen safely and as soon as possible.

Public health grants to local authorities 2021/22

This briefing gives the LGA’s views on the public health settlement for local authorities.

View allPublic health articles

Social care reform and the social care workforce, House of Commons, 18 March 2021

COVID-19 has put adult social care firmly in the public, political and media spotlight. This emergency has highlighted the essential value of social care to the wider public and this interest needs to be harnessed in the debate about the future of care and support. Long-term reform is urgently needed and we are calling on the Government to set out its thinking at the earliest opportunity.

View allAdult social care articles

World Social Work Day, House of Commons, 18 March 2021

To ensure councils can continue to support their most vulnerable residents, it is crucial Government brings forward plans for long-term reform to the adult social care system and additional funding for child and family support services. As a starting point, returning the Early Intervention Grant to 2010/11 funding levels by providing an extra £1.7 billion would enable councils to reinstate some lost preventative and early help services which help tackle and prevent emerging problems and avoid costs and impact escalating later on.

View allAdult social care articles

LGA submission to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government consultation on Right to Regenerate: reform of the Right to Contest

Councils are committed to working in partnership to create better places by using public sector assets more efficiently, creating service and financial benefits for partners, as well as releasing land for housing and other development to deliver wider social, environmental and economic outcomes for local communities.

Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill House of Commons, Second Reading, 15 March and 16 March 2021

The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts (PCSC) Bill covers a wide range of community safety issues and seeks to introduce measures which aim to have an impact on victims of crime, those who perpetrate crimes, and wider community safety.

View allPolicing and crime articles

International Women’s Day debate, 11 March 2021

The equal participation of women and men in local politics, as our elected councillors and as our leaders, is an important condition for effective democracy and good governance.

View allEmployment and skills articles

LGA submission to the Transforming Public Procurement Green Paper consultation, 8 March 2021

The LGA supports in principle the ambition to transform public procurement.  However much of what is being proposed within the Green Paper is more around the legal process for procurement without sufficient discussion on how the Government believes we will meet the stated objectives  “to speed up and simplify our procurement processes, place value for money at their heart, and unlea

Domestic Abuse Bill, Report Stage House of Lords 8,10 & 15 March 2021

The Bill introduces important measures which will help to raise awareness of domestic abuse and will go some way to providing additional support to domestic abuse victims

View allCommunity safety articles

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