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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Debate on housing, House of Commons - 9 April 2019

Councils once again have a key role in delivering more affordable housing and helping to build 300,000 new homes a year.

LGA response: legislative proposals for the NHS Long Term Plan

This response summarises the LGA's general views on the overall objectives of the proposals, as well as commenting on specific proposals where relevant to our membership.

Debate on plastics recycling, House of Commons - 23 April 2019

Councils have been successful in establishing recycling infrastructure and services. 99 per cent of local authorities currently collect plastic bottles, and over half (52 per cent) provide drop off points for plastics.

Residential construction sector, modern methods of construction, and the steps being taken to boost the housing supply, House of Lords, 24 April 2019

Councils once again have a key role in delivering more affordable housing and helping to build 300,000 new homes a year.

View allHousing and planning articles

Opposition Day Debate: Social Care, House of Commons, 24 April 2019

It is vital that the Government uses the Spending Review and its forthcoming green paper to deliver sustainable funding for social care for the long-term.  

View allAdult social care articles

School Funding - House of Commons, 25 April 2018

The funding pressures facing schools are well known, with teacher and parent-led campaigns continuing to receive extensive coverage in the media. The Institute for Fiscal Studies estimates schools will see a real terms cut of 4.6 per cent in schools funding between 2015 and 2019

View allEducation and schools articles

Government funding for the removal of cladding from privately owned high-rise blocks, House of Commons, 29 April 2019

Social housing providers have acted to protect residents. While some private landlords are doing the same, there is a significant issue with private landlords who are reluctant to act, are passing charges onto leaseholders, or sometimes cannot be identified.

View allFire and rescue articles

Debate on district council finances - House of Commons, Wednesday 1 May 2019

The information below outlines the scale of the financial challenge facing all councils, including district councils, and the measures which must be taken to ensure local government is funded sustainably. It also sets out the pressures facing some of district councils’ most in-demand services.

Cipfa Financial Management Code consultation response, 30 April 2019

Sound financial management is crucial to the financial resilience of councils and Cipfa’s proposed new code is a welcome addition to the tools and guidance that councils can use to achieve that.

Conduct of debate in public life; the divisions which result from that in society; and the case for addressing such divisions, House of Lords, 9 May 2019

We need to safeguard our democratic structures. These changes in legislation, policy and practice need to apply to protecting representatives of local government as well as national government.

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