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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Down Syndrome Bill: Second Reading, House of Commons, 26 November 2021

Councils already play a key role in supporting people with Down syndrome to help them live the lives they want to lead, including through their social care functions and their work with partners, particularly the voluntary and community sector and schools.

LGA response: Future of transport regulatory review: zero emission vehicles, 22 November 2021

The LGA has written a response to the Office of Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) Future of transport regulatory review: zero emission vehicles consultation on whether there should be a statutory obligation to plan and deliver a charging infrastructure.

View allTransport articles

CIPFA consultation on the Prudential Code for Capital Finance in local authorities

In our view, the revised code as drafted exceeds this brief of determining how much a council can afford to borrow. The proper place for detailed guidance on local authorities’ investments is the Government’s statutory guidance on local government investments, which itself is another part of the Prudential Framework for local authority capital finance.

Treasury Management in the Public Services Code of Practice and Cross-Sectoral Guidance Notes

Overall, we have significant concerns with the proposed changes to the Prudential Code and these are outlined in our response to the consultation on that. We are equally concerned at how those changes interact with and impact on the Treasury Management Code. In particular we are concerned that activity that is currently seen as good practice in Treasury Management will be restricted to the detriment of councils’ finances.

House of Lords debate, Leaseholders and Building Safety, 25 November 2021

The LGA welcomes the introduction of the Building Safety Bill and the Fire Safety Act. We believe these important pieces of legislation will strengthen the building safety system in the UK, especially in relation to new buildings. It is, therefore, an important step in the right direction.

View allFire and rescue articles

Armed Forces Bill, Report Stage, House of Lords, 23 November 2021

Armed Forces serving personnel, veterans, reservists and their families are valued members of our communities. All councils have signed the voluntary Armed Forces Covenant and are fully committed to honouring their obligations to those who have served their country.

View allCommunities articles

Health and Care Bill, Report Stage, House of Commons, 22 November 2021

We are strongly in favour of the duty to engage with patients, carers and representatives. We have committed to work with the Government, NHS, local government and patient and public voice organisations, to produce clear guidance to support local health and care systems to work in partnership with their communities.

Pedicabs (London) Bill: Second Reading House of Commons, 19 November 2021

Currently, pedicabs are exempt from the regulations which cover taxis and private hire vehicles. They do not need a licence to operate, are able to set their own prices and are not subject to checks on the safety and ability of their drivers, or the road worthiness of their vehicles

Community Discharge Grant 2021/22

In July 2020, the Government announced the £62 million Community Discharge Grant in England to help accelerate the discharge of patients with learning disabilities and/or autistic people from mental health hospitals into the community.

View allMental health articles

Skills and Post-16 Education Bill, Second Reading, House of Commons, 15 November 2021

Local government – local authorities (LAs) and mayoral combined authorities (MCAs) – have a crucial role in making the skills and employment system work for their areas, and have wide-ranging functions and expertise in the skills system.

View allEmployment and skills articles

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Cllr Helen Belcher OBE on how her constituents are her priority 👇 “Being a fairly prominent trans woman means I do…

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