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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Review of the Vagrancy Act: Government consultation on effective replacement 5 May 2022

As the consultation notes, rough sleeping and begging can often be conflated, and the overlap between them is complex.

View allHomelessness articles

General debate on Ukraine, House of Commons, 26 April 2022

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, councils have been working closely with the Government to ensure support for new arrivals from Ukraine is put in place quickly and at scale, and families are kept safe.

Debate on Gambling Harm, House of Lords, 27 April 2022

Gambling related harm continues to have a devastating impact on the lives of those directly affected, their families and wider communities. Councils are committed to continuing to prevent gambling-related harm in their communities and helping those affected to get the support they need recover and rebuild their lives.

View allCommunities articles

Briefing on the UKSPF prospectus

This briefing summarises the Government's UKSPF guidance and some of the key issues councils and combined authorities will need to consider while developing their investment plans, and an LGA view on some key issues.

View allEconomic growth articles

Online Safety Bill, Second Reading , House of Commons, 19 April 2022

The Local Government Association (LGA) supports the overall aims of the Online Safety Bill (OSB), which makes provisions for the regulation by Ofcom of certain internet services.

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View allChildren and young people articles

Tackling drug crime in local communities, House of Commons, 20 April 2022

The LGA continues to work with the Home Office to tackle serious and serious organised crime. In particular, the harrowing exploitation of children and young people by county lines drugs gangs is a significant and increasing concern for councils, and they are working hard with Government and local partners to protect those at risk of abuse.

View allCommunity safety articles

LGA Response to Defra consultation on reforming the Carrier, Broker, Dealer regime

Defra’s approach to the reforms must be robust enough to discourage the criminals, but avoid placing excessive requirements on local authorities, charities and the not-for-profit sector and responsible private waste businesses.

View allWaste articles

LGA Response to Defra consultation on the introduction of mandatory waste tracking

We are seeking assurances from Defra that the new waste tracking system will be an effective replacement for the outdated and cumbersome Waste Data Flow data entry system for councils. Waste Data Flow is not fit for purpose in supporting an accurate EPR payment system, although it will need to operate until such time as the new system is ready. This may be an opportunity to streamline data systems and reduce the burden on councils.

View allWaste articles

LGA response to Health and social care integration: joining up care for people, places and populations

Achieving the scale of ambition set out in the White Paper will require substantial and long-term commitment not only from Government but from local government and NHS leaders at every level – national, regional, system, place and neighbourhood. We look forward to seeing this reflected as the ICS and wider reforms are rolled out in practice.

Ukrainian refugees, House of Lords, 6 March 2022

Our substantive asks regarding providing a clear framework for housing checks; guidance around dealing with safeguarding issues beyond just the initial DBS check; clear steer on breakdown of placements and rematching and clarity of data still require further detail. The LGA and councils are keen to continue to work with the Government on these issues.

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Cllr Helen Belcher OBE on how her constituents are her priority 👇 “Being a fairly prominent trans woman means I do…

5 hours ago