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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill, Committee Stage, House of Commons, 19 July 2022

We are deeply concerned that the proposed risk-mitigation measures in clause 71 of the Bill potentially give the Secretary of State significant powers to intervene in a local authority. There is a danger that the formula-based approach outlined in the Bill could impact more widely than intended. It is vital that the Government undertakes full engagement with the sector, including full consultation before enacting the regulations arising from the Bill.

View allDevolution articles

Energy Bill, Second Reading House of Lords, 19 July 2022

The LGA support the Government’s ambition to protect consumers from unfair pricing by enabling an extension of the price cap beyond 2023

Online Safety Bill, Report Stage, House of Commons, 12 July 2022

The Local Government Association (LGA) supports the overall aims of the Online Safety Bill (OSB), which makes provisions for Ofcom to regulate certain internet services.

View allCommunity safety articles

Schools Bill, Report Stage, House of Lords, 12 July 2022

While councils have a statutory duty to ensure there is a school place for every child, they are currently not able to direct academies to expand school places or admit individual pupils. We are seeking a commitment from Government redress this discrepancy between councils’ duties and powers as soon as reasonably possible, by providing councils with sufficient backstop powers to direct academies to expand school places and admit individual pupils, within six months of the Act passing.

View allEducation and schools articles

LGA submission to All-Party Parliamentary Group on Ending the Need for Food Banks, inquiry on ‘Cash or food? Exploring effective responses to destitution’

Councils have demonstrated throughout the pandemic that they are uniquely placed to respond to local needs and reach their most vulnerable residents.

LGA response to Defra call for evidence on booking systems at household waste and recycling centres, and technical consultation on preventing charges to householders for the disposal of “DIY” waste at household recycling centres

There is no hard evidence to support the argument that removing the flexibility for councils to charge will reduce the amount of fly-tipped waste.

LGA Briefing: Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill, Committee Stage, House of Commons - June 2022

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill acts upon long running asks from councils and the LGA for further devolution in England.

View allEconomic growth articles

Estimates day debate, Department of Work and Pensions expenditure on cost-of-living measures, 5 July 2022

According to a study by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, an estimated 1.5 million households across the UK will struggle to pay food and energy bills over the next year due to rising prices and higher taxes.

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Survey response: Minimum Revenue Provision post-consultation proposal

In our response to the original consultation we raised serious concerns that the proposals could have unintended consequences, for example affecting councils’ ability to invest in infrastructure and housing via wholly owned companies and have serious impacts on some councils’ revenue budgets.

LGA submission to the Department for Transport’s consultation on the taxi and private hire vehicle best practice guidance

Overall, the LGA welcomes this best practice guidance. It provides helpful clarity on some complex issues in taxi and private hire vehicle (PHV) licensing and will be a useful resource for both licensing authorities and the taxi and PHV trade.

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