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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Debate on improving mental health services for people from black and ethnic minority communities, House of Lords, Tuesday 28 November 2017

From housing to public health, social care, culture and leisure services, councils lead local services that help prevent mental ill health, support early intervention and provide ongoing support.

View allMental health articles

NHS Continuing Healthcare, House of Commons, Monday 27 November 2017

The LGA and ADASS remain concerned about the variation across the country in eligibility rates for continuing healthcare under the current system.

View allAdult social care articles

LGA submission to the consultation on disqualification criteria for councillors and mayors: November 2017

The LGA has responded to the Government’s consultation on disqualification criteria for elected councillors and mayors.

LGA Industrial Strategy Briefing: 1 December 2017

This briefing summarises the main announcements in the industrial strategy of relevance to local government and sets out the Local Government Association’s response.

View allDevolution articles
View allEconomic growth articles

Opposition Day Debate, Universal Credit, House of Commons, Tuesday 5 December 2017

Local authorities continue to play an important role in managing the impacts of welfare reform in their communities, including the rollout of the Universal Credit (UC) Full Service. It is therefore crucial that councils’ concerns about the effect of the rollout of UC on residents and services are listened to by the Government.

View allWelfare reform articles

Town and Country Planning (Fees) Regulations 2017, House of Lords, 6 December 2017

Councils are working hard to deliver the right kind of homes, and are currently approving nine out of ten planning permissions. However, planning departments are severely under-resourced. Taxpayers are subsidising the costs of planning applications by around £200 million a year.

View allHousing and planning articles

LGA response to the DfE consultation ‘Corporate parenting, the local offer and personal adviser support’, November 2017

The LGA supports the corporate parenting principles within the Children and Social Work Act 2017, and welcomes the opportunity to comment on the draft guidance on their implementation.

View allChildren's social care articles

Adjournment debate on social homes for rent, House of Commons, Wednesday 6 December 2017

The national housing shortage is one of the most pressing issues we face. Councils are working with communities to ensure more homes are built, but only an increase of all types of housing – including those for affordable or social rent – will solve the housing crisis.

View allHomelessness articles

LGA - Debate on the role of education - House of Lords - 8 December 2017

Councils play a strong role in providing good school places, with 91 percent of maintained schools rated as Good or Outstanding by Ofsted, compared with 85 per cent of academies and 84 per cent of free schools.

View allEducation and schools articles

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Cllr Helen Belcher OBE on how her constituents are her priority 👇 “Being a fairly prominent trans woman means I do…

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