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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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LGA submission to Williams Rail Review

Councils wish to see a successful rail industry that supports local growth and is properly connected with the fabric of local economies.

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General debate on road safety, House of Commons, 5 November 2018

Local authorities take road safety very seriously, and work hard to keep local roads safe by maintaining and improving them. It is vitally important that commuters, businesses, residents and visitors can travel safely and easily within our local areas.

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LGA response to Clean Air Strategy - 14 August 2018

The plan sets out a variety of different actions across a number of different public agencies. What the plan does not acknowledge sufficiently is that these actions are in addition to current activity.

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Debate on improving air quality, House of Commons, 28 June 2018

The joint Select Committee report into improving air quality is positive. The Government should consider the Committees’ warning that the support currently available to local authorities is inadequate.

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Debate on potholes and road maintenance, House of Commons, 5 June 2018

It is vitally important that the nation’s local roads network enables commuters, businesses, residents and visitors to travel easily and freely within our local areas.

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Consultation on the use of section 19 and section 22 permits for road passenger transport in Great Britain

Section 19 and 22 operators play an important role in the provision of transport for councils and are often the only means by which people can maintain an independent life, reducing the demands on other public services.

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LGA briefing: debate on concessionary bus passes, House of Commons, 8 May 2018

Local buses provide 4.7 billion passenger trips a year in England, which is around three times as many trips made by rail. Bus services are key to providing people with access to work, education and leisure time.

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LGA response to Major Road Network proposal - 19 March 2018

The LGA has called for a fairer balance in the way Government treats and funds the Strategic Roads Network (SRN), which makes up less than 3 per cent of the country’s road network, compared to the local roads network, which makes the remaining 97 per cent.

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The decline in the use of buses in England, House of Lords, 8 March 2018

A diverse range of bus services operate outside England’s major cities, from inter-urban connectors through small networks around towns to relatively long-distance services often providing the only transport link to small communities other than a private car.

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LGA response to Strategic Route Network proposal, 7 February 2018

The LGA welcomed the creation of Highways England and the Road Improvement Strategy (RIS). Long term funding certainty and sustained investment are welcome developments for the strategic network.

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