Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Working more effectively with local government: an introductory guide for sports providers to work more effectively with councils

This short guide is to help you get to the right people who will give you good advice/assistance about how to achieve the aims of your organisation.

LGA Response to MHCLG consultation on banning the use of combustible materials in the external walls of high-rise residential buildings

LGA Response to MHCLG consultation on banning the use of combustible materials in the external walls of high-rise residential buildings

View allFire and rescue articles

LGA/ADASS/ADPH Joint Submission to Office of Civil Society Consultation on a National Strategy for Loneliness

Loneliness is best tackled by a system wide approach involving all partners, particularly the voluntary and community sector, under the strategic leadership of a Health and Wellbeing Board.

View allPublic health articles

Revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework

This briefing provides a summary of some of the key changes to the final revised National Planning Policy Framework from the version consulted on earlier this year, with a focus on the areas that the LGA has lobbied on.

View allHousing and planning articles

Update on payment for sleep in shifts in social care July 2018

The purpose of this briefing is to update councils on latest developments regarding payment of sleep-in shifts in adult social care. Although this briefing focusses on adults, the issue is also relevant to children’s services.

View allAdult social care articles

LGA response to the Arts Council England and Core Cities ‘Cultural Cities’ enquiry

Creative industries contributed nearly £90 billion and 2.9 million jobs to the UK economy in 2015, but the enquiry rightly recognises the positive impact of culture extends beyond growth to improve community cohesion, public health and tourism.

The future relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union

Since the referendum in 2016, the LGA has been highlighting the most important risks and opportunities for local government resulting from the UK’s exit from the EU.

View allBrexit articles

Rating (Property in Common Occupation) and Council Tax (Empty Dwellings) Bill, Third Reading, House of Lords - 18 July 2018

We continue to engage extensively in discussions with the Government on the implementation of further business rates retention and the Fair Funding Review. These reforms are important and are something local government has called for.

LGA briefing - The Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill Second Reading, House of Lords - 16 July 2018

We have been calling for an overhaul of the current Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) process to ensure there is adequate protection for human rights. The decision to focus on how we best protect people’s liberty is positive and we support it.

View allMental health articles

Addressing the incidence of obesity, House of Lords debate - 18 July 2018

Obesity is a complex problem with a large number of different but often interlinked causes. Councils take obesity seriously as evidenced by the fact they have spent over £15 billion on public health since 2013, with over £1 billion tackling child and adult obesity, and physical inactivity.

View allPublic health articles

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Cllr Helen Belcher OBE on how her constituents are her priority 👇 “Being a fairly prominent trans woman means I do…

5 hours ago