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Licensing of Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles Bill House of Commons, Friday 2 February 2018

The LGA welcomes this Bill which would make it easier for licensing authorities to access vital background information about drivers seeking a licence in their areas

Key messages

  • The LGA welcomes this Bill which would make it easier for licensing authorities to access vital background information about drivers seeking a licence in their areas. 
  • The Bill would build on the LGA’s work to commission a register of taxi/private hire vehicles (PHV) drivers who have had their licence revoked or refused. It will make sharing and checking information on the register mandatory.  
  • The Bill would be an important first step in updating existing legislation for the licensing of taxis and PHVs which is inadequate and outdated. The licensing framework has not kept pace with developments in technology and the need to ensure passengers are protected.
  • In the longer term, the LGA is a calling for a Taxi and PHV Licensing Reform Bill to replace the current, outdated legislation and modernise the licensing system for taxis and PHVs. This will be to the benefit of passengers and the trade. 

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Licensing of Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles Bill House of Commons, Friday 2 February 2018