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LGA submission to the Work and Pensions Select Committee Welfare-to-work inquiry

The LGA is calling for powers, funding and responsibilities on employment and skills to be devolved to councils so they can plan investment in their area, reduce long term unemployment and maximise opportunities for joint working.

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Councils have a strong history of supporting people into work and integrating and providing services for vulnerable people through a range of delivery partners.

Local government has been instrumental in making a success of a number of initiatives to reduce worklessness, including the New Deal and the Future Jobs Fund.

Councils understand the importance of employment and skills in the local workforce in order to meet the needs of employers in local areas. In support of this, local authorities work together on initiatives such as Growth and City Deals, community budget and specific pilots and interventions, proving that a devolved approach is successful.

The LGA is calling for powers, funding and responsibilities on employment and skills to be devolved to councils so they can plan investment in their area, reduce long term unemployment and maximise opportunities for joint working. This would draw on local government’s expertise and knowledge.

Read the full submission: