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LGA response to the MHCLG consultation ‘Reforming developer contributions: technical consultation on draft regulations’

"We consider that there is an urgent need to consolidate the CIL regulations into a single updated version to reflect the numerous changes made since its introduction."

Key messages

  • We welcome the proposals to streamline consultation requirements for introduction/revision of a Community Infrastructure Levy, but are concerned about the new proposal to introduce additional consultation for removing CIL in an area.
  • We welcome the proposal to remove the section 106 pooling restrictions for all councils.
  • We maintain our view that national exemptions for CIL cumulatively reduce amount of funding to invest in critical infrastructure to facilitate development and should be instead set locally.
  • The regulations to apply indexation where a planning permission is amended are overly complicated and need to be simplified.
  • The complexity of the proposed indexation of CIL rates risks leaving significant scope for error and acting as a disincentive to introduce CIL.
  • We support the principle of the introduction of Infrastructure Funding Statements but councils need to be fully funded to introduce these and there needs to be sufficient lead-in time.
  • We welcome the regulations enabling councils to require a sum to be paid to a local planning authority in respect of the cost of the monitoring of planning obligation delivery but these could be streamlined further.
  • The government should ensure that the regulations work appropriately to reflect both two-tier and unitary areas.
  • We consider that there is an urgent need to consolidate the CIL regulations into a single updated version to reflect the numerous changes made since its introduction.

Download the full briefing

LGA response to the MHCLG consultation: Reforming developer contributions: technical consultation on draft regulations