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LGA response to Future of Mobility call for evidence, 10 September 2018

Over the past year our members have placed increased importance on the future of mobility and therefore it is a policy area where the LGA has become more active.

Our members are keen for councils and the LGA to take greater leadership on this agenda. To help, we have published a guide for elected members on emerging trends in technology. Clean, connected and in-control gives elected members a grounding in the trends that will shape changes in how people move around and how future connectivity will help business and industry. 

Over the coming year we intend to examine how local authorities can react to these trends in order to shape them in a way that maximises their benefits.

We intend to hold an event this autumn in an attempt to start to answer these questions. As part of the work we have already done we have highlighted a series of issues that will be of interest to councils. As the effects of these changes are yet to be felt we feel that these issues should be at the forefront of the Government’s thinking when constructing their urban and rural mobility strategies.

Read the full response

LGA response to Future of Mobility call for evidence, 10 September 2018