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LGA response to the Defra consultation on improving management of water in the environment

Councils would welcome greater flexibility on local revenue and capitalraising powers, to support their ability to manage local flood and coastal erosion risk management risks.

The LGA answered those questions in the consultation that relate to local government activity or areas where the LGA has views on behalf of councils in their roles as leaders of place.

Key messages:

  • Consultation with local authorities on Water Resources Management Plans and new statutory Drainage and Wastewater Management Plans will help to ensure that future water supply as well as drainage and wastewater management infrastructure support the growth ambitions of local authorities and delivery of Local Plans.
  • The government should provide urgent clarity on the impact that the new charging methodology to determine Internal Drainage Board special levies will have on local authorities.
  • The government should change the rules relating to council tax referendums so that levies such as IDB levies do not count against councils’ own referendum limits.
  • Councils would welcome greater flexibility on local revenue and capital-raising powers, to support their ability to manage local flood and coastal erosion risk management risks.
  • Proposals for securing additional local funding should be pursued in order to provide additionality to existing national funding, not to replace it.
  • The Government should ensure that the legislation put in place to establish the Somerset Rivers Authority will provide sufficient flexibility to allow other areas to use a similar mechanism where there is local agreement to do so.
  • Any new burdens on local authorities arising as a result of the proposals in the consultations should be fully funded.

Download the full briefing 

LGA response to the Defra consultation on improving management of water in the environment