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LGA Briefing: Integrated care: organisations, partnerships and systems, House of Commons, 6 September 2018

The Health and Social Care Committee’s inquiry on Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs) is a welcome contribution to the debate about the new care models and their effectiveness in improving health and care in the areas they serve.

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Key messages 

  • The Health and Social Care Committee’s inquiry on Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs) is a welcome contribution to the debate about the new care models and their effectiveness in improving health and care in the areas they serve. 
  • A more integrated, collaborative and placed-based approach requires a system wide approach and local authorities are crucial partners to this. 
  • We support the objectives of STPs as set out in the Five Year Forward View.i In practice, however, the overwhelming focus on financial sustainability of the acute sector in STP plans has led to the preventative, community-based approaches to challenges facing health and social care being neglected. 
  • Though there are notable exceptions, there has been limited meaningful involvement of local political and community leadership in the development of STPs to date. 

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