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Debate on the future of Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles (PHV), House of Commons

The LGA has consistently highlighted the need for urgent reform to outdated legislation governing taxis and PHVs.

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Tuesday 18 July 2017

Key messages

  • Current legislation for the licensing of taxi and private hire vehicles (PHVs) is inadequate and outdated. The licensing framework has not kept pace with developments in technology and the need to ensure passengers are protected.
  • ‘Out of area’ drivers operating within other licensing authority areas (cross-border activity) has significantly increased in recent years, a result of both of the Deregulation Act 2015 and the proliferation of app based systems.
  • There needs to be national minimum standards introduced for taxis and PHVs to align licensing and safety standards across the country, while retaining local flexibility for councils.
  • As recommended by the Law Commission, the LGA is calling for a Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing Reform Bill to replace outdated legislation and modernise the licensing system for taxis and PHVs, to the benefit of both passengers and the trade itself.
  • Councils must be able to take enforcement action against any driver operating in their area. A Taxi and PHV Licensing Reform Bill must also look at measures to ensure drivers are working in the area where they are licensed. 

Read the full briefing

Future of the Taxi Trade - Westminster Hall Debate - July 18 2017