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Debate on exiting the EU and global trade, Thursday 6 July 2017

The UK’s exit from the EU is going to have a significant impact on local communities and businesses, creating challenges that will need to be addressed, but also opportunities to do things differently.

Key messages

  • The UK's exit from the European Union will have a significant impact on local government and the people we represent, creating challenges that need to be addressed but also opportunities to do things differently.
  • The Repeal Bill will lead to a large amount of secondary legislation, which will have direct implications for local government. In order to ensure that legislation is not made more complicated by Whitehall and the views of local communities are considered, councils must have a formal role in this review process.
  • Brexit should not simply mean a transfer of powers from Brussels to Westminster, Holyrood, Stormont and Cardiff Bay. It must lead to new legislative freedoms and flexibilities for councils so that local communities and businesses benefit.
  • We need clear guarantees to protect the £8.4 billion in local regeneration and regional funds. This funding is needed to support local regeneration plans, flagship infrastructure projects, employment and skills schemes and local growth in our communities.
  • With over 80 programmes and projects designed to promote trade and investment, the current landscape is complex, crowded and confusing. It is unfit for the challenges of a new chapter in global trade. A Trade Bill provides the opportunity for long overdue reform and councils must have a key role in a new sub-national approach that drives growth and opportunity for local communities.

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Debate on exiting the EU and global trade, Thursday 6 July 2017