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Cladding and remedial fire safety work, House of Commons, 6 March 2018

The Government needs to give social housing providers clear guidance on what materials can be used to replace unsafe aluminium composite material (ACM) cladding.

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Key messages

  • The Government needs to give social housing providers clear guidance on what materials can be used to replace unsafe aluminium composite material (ACM) cladding.
  • Any revisions of the fire safety guidance on how to comply with the building regulations (Approved Document B) should make it clear that all the material in cladding systems used on buildings over 18 metres in height should be of limited combustibility, or have passed a robust full scale fire safety test. It should also be clear that desktop studies are not acceptable as evidence of compliance with Building Regulations.
  • Social housing providers are acting to protect residents. While some private landlords are doing the same, there is a significant issue with private landlords who are reluctant to act, are passing charges onto leaseholders, or sometimes cannot be identified.
  • Prompt action is required to address shortcomings in legislation that are hampering efforts by councils and fire services to identify landlords and require them to undertake remedial work. It is likely that short term changes to guidance can assist but there is a need to revise the current law.

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Cladding and remedial fire safety work, House of Commons, 6 March 2018