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Changes to the planning system as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, June 2020

A local, plan-led system continues to be vital in ensuring that councils and the communities they represent have a say over the way places develop. This includes the delivery of homes, where locally required, and the supporting infrastructure needed to create sustainable, resilient places. This will be even more critical as we move towards recovery after COVID-19.

Local government continues to play a critical role in supporting residents and businesses through the current COVID-19 pandemic. This has meant that some council run services have had to be closed, postponed or delivered differently during this time.

The planning system continues to operate with councils still considering planning applications and engaging with local communities. COVID-19 has, however, had implications for how local authorities manage their usual ways of working and planning teams have required additional flexibility in carrying out their duties. Councils have found it difficult, for example, to facilitate planning committees and undertake planning practice in the traditional form, particularly given the current social distancing measures.

A local, plan-led system continues to be vital in ensuring that councils and the communities they represent have a say over the way places develop. This includes the delivery of homes, where locally required, and the supporting infrastructure needed to create sustainable, resilient places. This will be even more critical as we move towards recovery after COVID-19.

The LGA is pleased that the Government has listened to its calls by introducing a range of temporary measures to make it easier to operate the planning system, especially the development management process, within current public health guidelines. However, probity in planning and public participation remain important in ensuring that decisions on plan-making and planning applications are undertaken in a fair, impartial and transparent way and that the public have meaningful input into the decision-making process.

Local authorities have been using innovative approaches to improve planning processes during this time. Through a proactive response in the wake of the pandemic, government can be instrumental in delivering to councils the tools, powers and flexibilities required to deliver the homes and infrastructure their communities need.

Updated planning practice and guidance since COVID-19

We have advocated for new approaches and updated guidance to support effective planning services during COVID-19. Below includes new or updated government guidance to planning regulations and guidance. This is followed by areas of improvement and changes the LGA continues to advocate for in response to COVID-19 and the long-term.  The Planning Advisory Service (PAS) have put together a number of resources and Frequently Asked Questions to share good practice and answer common questions.

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