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PSC joint circular no.124 – PSC handbook update

LGA, 18 Smith Square

London, SW1P 3HZ

Telephone 020 7187 7340 

Employers’ Side Secretary, Sarah Ward

e-mail: [email protected]

Unison Centre,130 Euston Road

London, NW1 2AY

Telephone 020 7121 5272

Trade Union Side Secretary, Ben Priestley

e-mail: [email protected]

To: Police and Crime Commissioner (copy Chief Exec &Treasurer)

     Chief Constables (copy Force Personnel/HR Manager/Payroll Manager)

     Trade Union Branches

cc: PSC Members

     Scotland and MPS (for information only)

9 June 2022

Dear Sir/Madam 

Following the recent PSC pay settlement for 2021-22 and 2022-23 the following changes and updates have been made to the PSC Handbook:

  1. Section 2, Pay, Paragraph 1, Pay Spine (page 13)  – The national pay spine has been updated to reflect the pay settlement
  2. Section 2, Pay, Paragraph 13.2, Payments for standby duty (page 18) – The payment has been increased as part of the pay settlement
  3. Section 3, Annual Leave, Paragraph 1.1 (page 21) – The provision for annual leave has been increased as part of the pay settlement
  4. Section 3, Adoption Leave, Paragraph 4.1 (page 22) - The Handbook was previously amended in January 2021 to increase occupational adoption pay from 18 to 26 weeks. When it was 18 weeks, there were 21 additional weeks at statutory adoption pay (SAP) to add up to 39 weeks. Now that occupational adoption pay is 26 weeks, SAP can continue for only 13 weeks, as it cannot exceed 39 weeks in total. The reference at 4.1 to ‘21 weeks at statutory adoption pay’ has therefore been amended to ‘13 weeks at statutory adoption pay’.

The revised PSC Handbook can be accessed at: If you require any clarification or information on these changes to the PSC Handbook, please refer to the contact details above. 

Yours sincerely


Ben Priestley, Trade Union Side Secretary

David Algie, Employers’ Side Secretariat