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School teachers' pay 2024

This page brings together all the information you will need in relation to school teachers’ pay in 2024/25. The LGA provides the secretariat for NEOST (National Employers Organisation for School Teachers).

The Department for Education (DfE) has now published the STRB remit for 2024.

Headlines ‘asks’ in terms of the STRB remit and recommendations for 2024 are:

  • an assessment of the adjustments that should be made to the salary and allowance ranges for classroom teachers, unqualified teachers, and school leaders in 2024/25
  • views on the potential benefits, in principle, of targeting remuneration by subject in the future.

National Employers' Organisation for School Teachers (NEOST)

NEOST is the statutory recognised national employer representative body for school teachers. The LGA provides the Secretariat to NEOST, which represents education authorities and other employers of school teachers in maintained schools in England and Wales. Find out more about NEOST

NEOST evidence to STRB

Local Authorities (LAs) and Academy Trust (AT) Employer Link members were invited to complete an online survey to inform this response. We received 150 responses to our survey this year, a 47 per cent increase from last year, mainly due to the significant increase in the response rates from ATs.

We provided the NEOST evidence to the STRB on 9 April, outlining the key evidence you provided, including the financial pressures facing schools, with rising deficits in maintained and academy school budgets; ongoing challenges attracting, recruiting, and retaining teachers across all types of schools and for any recommended pay uplift to be adequately and sustainably funded. Before delivering its report to the Government in May, the STRB will now consider all the evidence, including from the Secretary of State for Education, Gillian Keegan MP and teacher unions.

You can find the full report, including the survey results in the attached appendixes, below.