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Making safeguarding personal videos

These Making Safeguarding Personal resources were developed by Research in Practice for the safeguarding adults workstream of the Care and Health Improvement Partnership in 2022. They are tools for practitioners, trainers and anyone else to be used to promote a person centred, outcome focused and strength based approach to safeguarding adults

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Making Safeguarding Personal in self-neglect workbook

Making Safeguarding Personal in self-neglect workbook, produced by Research in Practice, draws on evidence from research and safeguarding adult reviews (SARs) to identify how making safeguarding personal can make a difference to the health, wellbeing and safety of people who are self-neglecting.

Session 1: Making Safeguarding Personal: Background and overview

Session 2: Making Safeguarding Personal: Tools and resources

Session 3: Making Safeguarding Personal: Learning from case studies and research 

Making Safeguarding Personal: self neglect