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Evaluation of sector-led improvement: phase one (2012–2014)

Phase one of the evaluation of sector-led improvement (SLI) ran over a two year period up until early 2014.

The main aim of the evaluation was understanding whether, in the context of reduced resources within local government:

  • the approach to SLI has the confidence of the sector and the government, and the trust of the public
  • the sector has been able to strengthen local accountability
  • the sector is adopting the SLI approach and continues to improve with a reduced burden of inspection, and in the absence of top down performance assessment
  • the tools offered to the sector have had a positive impact on the sector's capacity to improve itself.

A further key aim of the evaluation was to provide information that will enable the LGA to continue to refine and improve the approach and support offer to local authorities.

This evaluation was extensive and consisted of a wide range of individual pieces of work that measured the perception of and support for SLI, including online surveys of directors and lead members, in-depth interviews with key stakeholders, user surveys for YouChoose and Knowledge Hub, as well as evaluations of SLI support such as the Leadership Academy and Corporate Peer Challenge.


Download the final evaluation report for phase one

Companion reports

A full list of the research drawn upon in the phase one final evaluation report can be found below: