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Key policy

These key documents outline the Transforming Care national policy.

Under the Equality Act 2010, public sector organisations must make changes in their approach or provision to ensure that services are accessible to disabled people as well as everybody else. This series of guidance shares information, ideas and good practice in making reasonable adjustments for people with learning disabilities in specific health service areas. It is aimed at health and social care professionals and family members who provide support for, or plan services used by, people with learning disabilities. There is also an easy-read summary for each service area. (January 2020)

The national plan to develop community services and reduce the number of people in inpatient settings.

The national service model for commissioners across health and social care. This sets out what good services in the community should look like.

A resource for commissioners to support the development of service specifications for community-based forensic support and intensive support services, and acute learning disability inpatient services.

This guide builds on the national service model but with a focus on commissioning of support and services for children and young people.

The Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) policy on registration and changes to registration for providers supporting people with a learning disability.

Policy, guidance, information and tools for commissioners, health and social care staff, those people with a learning disability who are having a Care and Treatment Review (CTR) or Care, Education and Treatment Review (CETR) and family carers.