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Home care market: understanding and mitigating failure

The CHIP commissioning team ran a roundtable discussion in October 2021 with the East Midlands ADASS team and the Nuffield Trust to explore understanding and mitigating failure in the home care market.

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  • The Nuffield Trust was commissioned by the LGA and ADASS to deliver a ‘pre-mortem’ style roundtable, to understand the potential causes of, and solutions to, provider failure within a region. 
  • In preparatory meetings, it was agreed that failure in council-funded home care (domiciliary care) - as opposed to residential care - is of significant concern at present. 
  • The roundtable brought together local and regional commissioners, providers, and regulators from the East Midlands region. The aim of the session was to identify the causes of failure; the problems that could arise when dealing with it; and potential actions that could be taken to mitigate impacts and prevent failure in future.
  • The following draws together a summary of the main discussions during the session with existing knowledge and evidence of the home care market and broader social care context.
  • It first outlines the root causes of failure in the region as identified by participants, then identify actions that could be taken by different people in the local system to mitigate impacts, prevent future failure and to better manage providers on the brink of exiting the market.

What is a pre-mortem?

A pre-mortem is a structured exercise where participants imagine themselves in a future scenario where failure has occurred and work backwards to avoid failure. In this case, we examined failure of the local home care market and discussed how the current situation could be handled differently to mitigate known challenges and prevent widespread system failure.

Example questions posed to participants

  • How did we get here?
  • Which opportunities were missed to prevent the situation arising? Why?
  • What can we start/stop doing now to prevent the situation escalating? What can we do differently in future to stop this happening again?
  • Who needs to take action/do things differently?

Conceptualising failure

What is market failure in this context?

Provider failure can take a number of forms but the main three discussed in this work include the following (note that not all are mutually exclusive): Quality failure (of an individual provider): this would occur where a provider would be forced to hand back contracts over quality or safety concerns, usually following a poor rating by the regulator (CQC).

Financial failure (of an individual provider): this would occur in the event a provider was no longer financially viable due to cash flow issues.  System failure: this would occur where large numbers of people were waiting for care and support, and what was available was not of good quality – due to an undersupply of care providers. 

Focus in the East Midlands

Although there was concern among participants about closures of individual large home care providers which provide care across the region, the main focus of concern at present is on wider 'system failure' where demand for care cannot be met by current capacity. Participants were in agreement that, while they are accustomed to pressures in the social care provider market, the situation at present feels unusually severe and that system failure felt like a realistic scenario in the near future rather than a distant prospect.

Context in the East Midlands

  • Geography: High levels of rurality in some councils
  • Regionality: It was noted that a significant proportion of providers (particularly larger providers) operate across many council boundaries – and employ people across a wide geographical area. 
  • Demand: There has been sharp growth in demand for home care driven in part by changing preferences & impact of COVID-19
  • Market: Entry and exit in home care is relatively common nationally (CQC) and this trend has been observed in this region
  • Funding: Reduction in national funding to councils has put pressure on fees paid to providers.

What factors contribute to failure

Participants were asked to look back in time to identify the key factors that had contributed to the situation of system failure they found themselves in. The factors are interlinked and complex but fall into four main categories, each of which are explored next, alongside potential actions for preventing or mitigating the situation now and in future. Recommendations for different parts of the system follow.  


Provider funding and financial management


Market management and intelligence

Recommendations: councils

Communication is the next big thing [after funding] and giving reassurance to staff who have a deep relationship with the clients they see… A joined approach between the local authority and new provider can make the difference around how people feel.”

Short term recommendations

  • Foster a more collaborative approach between councils across a region to enable greater pooling of resources, knowledge, and information across the region. Pooling of knowledge could help to develop a more comprehensive view of the dynamics of the market. Where this is not already the case, regional cross-council intelligence-sharing could be made into a more formalised and regular process. This could include:
  • A more coordinated approach to procurement could avoid the situation where multiple councils engage in re-procurement at the same time, creating administrative burdens and financial instability. Exchanging learning around managing provider exits within an area, and sharing good practice around risk registers and identifying early warning signs of provider struggles.
  • Increase visibility, be more proactive, and offer reassurance towards struggling providers and their staff to foster a more open culture where issues could be flagged early and collaboratively addressed. Improved commissioner-provider relationships have the potential to generate robust knowledge of the critical points at which an organisation can be supported and may prevent provider exit.
  • There is a key role for the council in preventing staff from losing their employment. A more proactive approach to managing provider exits could help with retention rates as it is likely that a provider exiting the market is a key point at which a member of staff may be tempted to move sectors. Councils could engage better with staff around their concerns and appeal to their commitment to their clients as an incentive to remain with a new provider. This reassurance around continued employment and service continuity is more often given in residential care in the event of provider exit, and learning could be transferred to home care. 

Practical recommendations

Providers hoped that commissioners could take a more relationship-based approach to working with them. For instance, through:

  • regular conversations with a consistent contact within the local authority
  • joint meetings between commissioning teams and providers, which could connect providers around shared challenges
  • building ‘incentives to grow’ for providers into contracts.

Councils could be well placed to help providers retain and reward care staff at little cost – perhaps by securing priority access to fuel or shopping hours, or by partnering with local businesses to get staff discounts akin to those we often see for NHS workers.

Recommendations: providers

Engage in mutual aid initiatives: Mutual aid and collaboration between providers was seen by both commissioners and providers to hold many benefits and to be achievable without divulging commercially-sensitive information. Several providers who attended the roundtable were members of local care and support alliances, and were very receptive to new members. There is scope for more experienced providers in care alliances to offer support to new market entrants, for instance sharing learning or signposting resources to help with business management.

Come forward to councils early with concerns: Several commissioners highlighted emergency situations where a provider had handed back contracts with little to no notice. One council had, several years ago, gone as far as having to send council staff out to deliver care to ensure people drawing on care did not lose out. Reasons highlighted for unexpected exists from the market included:

  • accumulation of issues outside of providers’ control
  • challenges around business management
  • limited awareness among managers of the extent of systemic issues.

Flag packages that could be adapted as people’s needs change. Several providers noted they had identified a small number of care packages that could be changed or reduced as need had changed, and could potentially free up some capacity. Providers should continue to work collaboratively with councils to identify whether care packages can be changed appropriately, according to people’s needs. Some participants noted that while in some councils this happened “seamlessly”, in others these conversations had been more difficult.

Peer support systems, the local care alliance, can perhaps give providers spaces to talk about areas where their business might be wobbling, and that they wouldn't necessarily go straight to the local authority about.”

Practical recommendations: It is clear that the earlier a provider can approach the local authority with concerns, the more easily the situation can be managed. Providers should seek as much as possible to proactively identify potential issues and work with the council to try and mitigate these – or at the very least mitigate their consequences if they are outside of providers’ control.

Recommendations: system-wide

Department of Health and Social Care

Short term: Better cross-departmental coordination on specific issues. Delays in accessing to driving licenses (approximately six months) were exacerbating the already excessive staffing pressures. Participants questioned whether the Department could have a role in coordinating government departments to accelerate access for people working in social care. In the event of future fuel shortages, the Department should also consider putting social care staff on a priority list to access fuel.

Short term: Support with insurance. Many providers were struggling to get themselves reinsured, which was putting pressure on their cash flow. The Department coordinated cross-government collaborative working in the Winter of 2020-21 to understand access to insurance for providers and is continuing to do so ahead of Winter 2021-22. The extent of reinsurance issues should be appraised and action taken to support providers where necessary. 

Medium term: Facilitating better data/intelligence. Supporting and improving councils’ ability to undertake market shaping could also include developing councils’ infrastructure around data and intelligence, for example assessing how the use of Market Position Statements can be improved to aid with market shaping investment. 

Care Quality Commission

Medium term: Participants suggested some areas of improvement for the regulator around more supportive relationships with providers and commissioners. For example, CQC could have a more proactive approach to registration and continuous registration, identifying and inspecting new entrants at an earlier date and signposting managers to helpful resources such as Skills for Care’s resources on management, leadership, and staff development. Local authority networks and provider alliances can also help to identify these resources.