Resetting the relationship between local and national government. Read our Local Government White Paper

Digital citizenship: support and resources for councillors

The LGA is developing a range of guidance and tools to support councillors and candidates in their online communications. This will be developed over time, in partnership with our colleagues in the Welsh LGA, the Northern Ireland LGA and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities.


Rules of engagement

This infographic can be pinned to your social media profile to outline the ways in which you intend to engage with people online. These rules are designed to give all users a clear ‘code’ by which they should operate, with a clear statement that users can be blocked, or posts deleted, if they fail to participate in a civil manner.

The images come with ALT text and a 'long description'. If you choose to post the image your social media page please try to use the ALT text as appropriate.

To download and use the image, please click on an image to to visit it on a separate page, then 'save as' and post to your desired location.


Social media rules of engagement in English. See below the image for a full description of the text.
Download at

View the Welsh version of the rules of engagement for councillors image


Rules of engagement for candidates. See below this image for a detailed description.
Download at

View the Welsh version of the rules of engagement for candidates image

Handling online abuse

This infographic gives councillors a quick reference guide to help them to understand the steps they can take to protect themselves online, how to respond to abusive messages, and encourages councillors to seek support where needed.

Handling online abuse, the rules of engagement. Below this image are further details of the text.
Download at

View the Welsh version of the handling online abuse image


Mis and disinformation infographics

This infographic sets out five steps for avoiding spreading mis and disinformation. The steps should help councillors be confident in what they are posting, sharing and liking online.

Step 1: Check the source Look for the original source and be suspicious of websites of unknown reputation. Step 2: Triangulate information. Check if the same information has been public on other known, reliable websites. Step 3: Read beyond the headlines. Never share information if you have not read the full article. Step 4: Correct falsehoods If you see something on social media that is not true, calmly correct it. Step 5: Be constructive. Websites and articles can mix facts with inaccurate information.


Social media friendly infographic 

See below a simplified version of the infographic which can be shared on social media. 

This image comes with ALT text and a 'long description'. If you choose to post the image your social media page, please try to use the ALT text provided.

Step 1: Check the source Step 2: Triangulate information Step 3: Read beyond the headlines Step 4: Correct falsehoods Step 5: Be constructive

Further resources

Glitch is an award-winning UK charity that is working to end online abuse – particularly against women and marginalised people. Founded in 2017 by then local politician, Seyi Akiwowo, after she received a flood of abuse when a video of her speech at the European Parliament went viral. Through training, research, workshops, and programs, Glitch aims to build an online world that is safer for all.

Their ‘Fix the Glitch Toolkit 2.0’ is designed to end online gender-based violence for Black women. It covers online gender-based violence, self-care, supporting women online when they experience online abuse, and how we can work to end online violence against Black women. Councillors may find the section on being an active by-stander particularly helpful, which Glitch founder Seyi Akiwowo explains briefly in the video below from the 2019 LGA Annual Conference.”